



  Tourism English

  ------------the singing desert

  Name:Wang Bing Xin


  Name: Ye Hong Mei Number :2010110

  Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our beautiful inner Mongolia. I am very glad to be your tour guide in your three days trip. My name is Amy,if you have any doubts or question. Just ask me. Its my great pleasure to introduce our beautiful Inner Mongolia to you. This is our driver, MR liu. He is an experienced driver with twenty years tourism driving. We can set us free from worry totally.

  So now i will give you a brief introduction about our trip.In the first day,we will pay a visit to a hambling desert,which can make noise by a natural way. And in the second day,we will go to our amazing grassland,which is most famous in china. In our last day, we will go bach to the capital city of inner Mongolia---Hohhot. In the city, we will go to two temple--Dazhao temple and Wuta temple.whats more,zhaojun tombs,who is one of four china most beautiful women .

  Now we are arriving at singing desert. The temperature today is 15 degrees to 25degress. It is very hot in the noon but clod when we finish.so we would better take a small coat with us. The sun in the desert is strong so if you have any protection cream ,just use it now.There is a beautiful fairly tale behind it. Long long ago, this is a beautiful grassland with horse and sheep instead of desert. Everything seems so great,

  however after a while some monks in a nearby temple use their religion power to rule the local people. Plundered valuable things and interrupted the peaceful life. The local people led a miserable life. a god Zhang guo lao ie.. was passing by this land and found it. So he took off his shoes and poured the inside sand to grassland. because he is a god. Although few sand, from appearance, became huge desert to cover the monk. The Buddhists also had some power so they didn’t die, just stayed in the underground of the land to fight against the desert hoping to get out some day.

  So you may curious about what it sounds. Okay, later just listening.

  (broadcast the sand noise)

  Alright now we are going to get off the bus, and I will get ticket for you, just wait me for a moment.

  Okay here we may go. We will take the cableway to get inside, so I have some small tips for you. First follow the stuff instruction one by one. Second don’t bring your small but valuable thing out, just like mobile phone or camera. Last but not the least, don’t open the fence for excitement. Safety is everything, okay?

  Now we wear the sand socks and take the surf car to the

  deep desert.

  In the sand paradise, there will be one hour free to join the activities as we have seen sand motorcycle, sand golf,show….choose whatever you like since our ticket included everything. In my opinion, there are several activities you cannot miss. First motorcycle. Do you want to ser yourself totally free and dance with wind? With the experienced motorcyclist, you can fly! Second ,slip down cable.with extreme high speed ,you are like going to die.

  Are you ready for camel riding? Lets go! The camel in china normally is the Bactrian camel. This kind of camel are loyal to people and live in a harsh condition which is really different from another kind. What’s more. Ship of desert can also work for several days without eating anything because when they eat or drink, they will store in his hump and stomach. The camel is timid and shy. So if you want to take a picture don’t open the light. Because it might scare him.Hide your water or they will fetch it away cause he haven't drunk for a really long time~!

  Alright I will interview some of you how you feel right now.(broadcast the vedio 1)

  Next we are going to see a local people’s wedding

  ceremony, that is ,ordos wedding .it tells how ancient ordos people get married. It can be divided into eight parts. Later we will see a music show about the marriage.1, engaged.Engagement is usually carried out in two steps. First, a small set. By a matchmaker to look for a suitable person, with carrying two pancake (8 round bread each plate, top with milk and other food, red dates and sugar) and a bottle of wine came to the woman's door, drinking tea two pancake out on the table, so that the parents of the girl tasting milk food, and then each of them presented a hada, indicating that the suitor had come. Then the King to the woman brought the bottle pour wine parents; then the rest of the wine, even bottles to them. The Ordos customs, Daikichi and do not intermarry, not about marriages between brothers of the same family, which promote offspring eugenics, robust fine tradition. 2,closed doors greet husband.According to traditional etiquette, wedding team bride Haute, riding around the lapthe bride's relatives and friends in the package peripheral into a half-moon circle made refused to marry the look, and also with a ribbon Escorting blocked, called "ribbon across the door. So good at rhetoric toast singing Ordos folk songs ask: "your home every day, closed, or see us to close down? Is suspected to people, or because of the




  响沙湾旅游区是国家4A级旅游区,现在正在申报5A级旅游区。 响沙,蒙古语为布日芒哈,意为“带喇叭的沙丘”。响沙湾是中国三大响沙之一,沙高110米,宽400米,沙坡斜度约50度,沙丘呈月牙形沙湾状。沙子干燥时,从沙丘顶往下滑,沙子会发出鸣响声,轻则如青蛙“呱呱”的叫声,重则像飞机轰鸣声,故名“响沙湾”。



  近年来,很多专家都在研究沙子的鸣响问题。有人认为,沙子作响是由于该处气候干燥,阳光长久照射,是沙粒带了静电,一遇到外力,就会发出放电的声音;也有人认为,是水的蒸发形成蒸汽墙,它与月牙形的沙丘向阳坡恰好构成一个天然的“共鸣箱”,产生了共鸣作用;还有的人认为沙子的鸣响与沙粒的结构有关等。关于响沙成因的说法不一,目前尚无定论,至今仍是个谜,这便赋予了响沙湾更加神奇的魅力。有一位旅游界诗人饱含对响沙湾特别钟爱之情,将多次游览此处的感受吟诵成如下动人的诗篇:游响沙湾其一 其二年来久仰响沙湾, 大漠风光诚壮观——欣睹沙坡呈半环。 黄沙无际衔苍天。瀚海茫茫腾万浪, 数行足迹通峰顶,金沙漫漫耸千山; 一阵驼铃绕沙湾;踏沙何惧双足烫, 游子动情痴伫立,登顶浑如赤脚仙。 雄鹰展翅乐盘旋。豪兴勃发连广宇, 纵然雨后沙不响,折腰笑对大自然! 犹胜园林寺庙间。重游响沙湾响沙湾, 瀚海茫茫风光异,河两头, 沙坡上下人如流。游人如织, 游乐当尽兴, 景观壮神州。 徜徉胜踟蹰!青天笼黄沙, 归来欣然赴婚宴,大漠漫峰丘。 吃羊背子喝喜酒;碧空飘红伞, 弦歌悦耳诚劲美,飞人动悠悠。 健舞赏心更悦目。索道凌空架, 习俗真奇特,天堑变通途。 民风忒淳朴。下驼背,乘滑板, 一代天骄子孙旺——听沙响——声呜呜。

  鄂尔多斯蒙古族! 这些诗作,真是诗中有画,诗中有情,诗中有奇乐异曲,将响沙湾的自然景观、人文景观、天籁民风巧妙地组合成一部醉人的动感画面和交响乐章。朋友们,神奇的响沙湾难道不是您眷恋的人间胜境吗?

  姓名:袁鑫 学号:1306024253
