



Scene I

  (In the classroom)

  Sean Hi! How are you

  Kevin Bad! Really bad!

  Sean Do you want to try something to make you feel happy

  Kevin OK! Do you have any ideas

  Sean I know a pub which is popular.

  Kevin Oh! Sounds great!

  Sean Hm! Let’s go right now.

  Sean You looked so blue recently. I have something good. It can make you feel high.

  Kevin If I take that, how will I feel

  Sean You will forget everything that bothers you, and you will feel so carefree.

  Kevin Won’t there be danger

  Sean Trust me! I can sell drugs to you if you want to try some!

  Kevin But…but I have no money.

  Sean Don’t worry! You can be a drug dealer. It’s a good business.

  Kevin Hm…But…

  Sean Take it easy. Let’s take some drugs to make us happy tonight!

  Kevin OK…

  (Sean and Kevin go to the pub)

  Kevin Oh! So relaxing! Do you have any extra drugs

  Sean No, but we can earn money by selling drugs, and use the money to buy more.

  Kevin Really It’s a good idea.

  Sean That’s right. But I don’t know who I can sell to.

  Kevin It’s a big problem.

  Sean Oh! I have an idea! I have two friends. Maybe they will buy them.

  Kevin Hm…Let’s try.

  Sean Let me call my friends.

  Kevin I can lend you my cellphone.

  (On the phone)

  Sean Hey! This is Sean, Where are you

  Kiki I’m in the dormitory.

  Sean I want to show you something wonderful.

  Kiki What

  Sean I can’t tell you now. It’s a secret. Come and I’ll show you.

  Kiki Let me think.

  Sean I’ll wait for you. Don’t hesitate. Hurry up! Bye!

  (Sean turns off the phone)
