



  Li (1084.2.5. 1155.4.10 ~), and to live, the outstanding female astronomer, shandong jinan person, CiZong graceful. Born in northern YuanFeng seven years, shandong chapter grave, died in linan at 72. History and jinan shizhong people said "jinan 2, xin qiji. His father JiZhou shizhong, lee ge fei county, a famous scholar and qilu essayist. Mother's, knows the book to the good. Steve ZhaoMingCheng, for the son of ZhaoTing ShiLang official department of textual research, bronze. Li qingzhao, affluent life and familiar melody can book. After ZhaoMingCheng work together with the consolidation of calligraphy and painting, write the JinShiLu ". After the fall, with her husband, central south, displaced, and sorrow of life. MingCheng illness, circumstances. The family had just name,. With words, and poetry, the famous work and the theory of words in Chinese literary history, li qingzhao, enjoys a high reputation, "wen li qingzhao, there are QinLiangYu wu." Early life stability, write more affluent, word of acacia, JinBing inbreak, countries, with more than word attitude. Her poems when feeling, and the history. She is good at painting and calligraphy, and through melody. Existing poems and word for you, have the jade. "Word, when a family also." Chinese history is only a name is used to outer space of craters.

  李清照 (1084.2.5.~1155.4.10.) 号易安居士,南宋杰出女文学家,山东济南人,婉约词宗。生于北宋元丰七年,山东章丘,逝于临安,享年七十二岁。历史上与济南历城人辛弃疾并称“济南二安”。其父李格非,北宋齐州历城县人,齐鲁著名学者、散文家。母王氏,知书善文。夫赵明诚,为吏部侍郎赵挺之之子,金石考据家。李清照早年生活优裕,工书能文,通晓音律。婚后与赵明诚共同致力于书画金石的整理,编写了《金石录》。中原沦陷后,与丈夫南流,过着颠沛流离、凄凉愁苦的生活。明诚病死,境遇孤苦。 幼承家学,早有才名。以词著名,兼工诗文,并著有词论的李清照,在中国文学史上享有崇高声誉,“文有李清照,武有秦良玉。”早年生活安定、优裕,词作多写相思之情;金兵入侵后,遭遇国家巨变,词作多感慨身世飘零。她的诗文感时咏史,与词风迥异。她还擅长书画,兼通音律。现存诗文及词为后人所辑,有《漱玉词》等。主张“词,当别具一家也”。是中国历史上唯一一位名字被用作外太空环形山的女性。
