

  摘 要:诗经》和汉乐府诗中的爱情诗是我国文学宝库中的两朵奇葩,它们反映的内容十分广泛,大多来源于民间歌谣,都具有“感于哀乐,缘事而发”的现实主义精神。在很多方面,它们又呈现出各自的风貌,具有相对独立性。本文通过从《诗经》与汉乐府中女性自身形象的不同特点、男女在爱情生活中所处地位的变化以及恋爱方式理性因素增强等方面进行比较,再现了从《诗经》时代到汉乐府时代,诗中女性形象的显著性转变,以及从诗经时代到汉乐府时代中国妇女所经历的苦难历程,同时也让我们可以清晰地看到封建礼教在中国女性的爱情路上慢慢树起了一道沉重的界碑。

  关键词:《诗经》 汉乐府 爱情诗 女性形象


  The love poems in 《The Book of Songs》 and "Folk-song-styled Poems of Han Dynasty " are two rare flowers of Chinese poem history。They are rich in contents and forms, most of them come from the folk rhyme,succeeding the realism tradition and the poems was conceived from heart and told business。In many way, the poems show their features relative independentability with relative independence。This paper will compare and contrast the female images in the context of the Book of songs and Han Yue Fu. It will examine different aspects of the relationships between men and women: the change of their position in love life and the tendency that the lovers are treating their romantic relationships with a more rational attitude, etc. This paper portraits the sufferings of the woman at the time of the Book of songs (from the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty to the mid Spring and Autumn Dynasty) and the time of the Han Yue Fu (Han Dynasty). The dramatic Change of the female images in the poetry will give us a clear clue of how the woman are suffered in their love life within the bounds of feudal ethical code in ancient China.

  Key words Book of Songs Folk-song-styled Poems of Han Dynasty love poem

  the image of women
