Module 4 Unit1 We’re going to tell s


Module 4 Unit1 We’re going to tell stories.教学设计


  本模块的话题是发出庆祝生日活动的邀请。本单元的课文情境是Amy发给Lingling的生日邀请函,她要过11岁的生日了。Lingling问Amy打算如何庆祝,Amy说要和大家一起吃午餐,妈妈会给她做蛋糕。Sam说午餐后大家会一起讲故事,Amy接着说随后会去看电影。这时Ms Smart提醒孩子们在做这些事情之前要先帮她整理屋子,孩子们愉快的答应了。语言学习任务是运用已经学过的“I’m going to…”结构描述计划并发出邀请。



  三、 教学目标

  1. 知识目标

  (1) 学生能够掌握四会单词和句型结构。

  New words: stories、 invitation、tidy up

  Sentence structures: What are we going to do?

  We’re going to tell stories.

  (2) 根据图片和情境说出单词和句子。

  (3) 在图文或场景下进行课文的.复述或者相似内容的阅读。







  四、 教学重点

  运用“What are we going to do? We’re going to …”描述将要的做的事情,学会制定计划。

  五、 教学难点


  六、 教学准备

  CD- Rom, PPT, word -cards


  Step1 Warming up

  Magic eyes

  watch TV sing a song make a cake play the flute

  play the piano play the drums have a picnic have a party



  T: What are you going to do this weekend? I’m going to read a book. How about you?

  S1: I’m going to…

  Ss: He’s/ She’s going to…

  设计意图:复习”be going to”结构的各个人称。

  Step2 Lead-in

  T: This weekend, I’m going to read a story book. I’m going to tell stories.

  (Teach “story--- stories”)

  T: Do you like stories?

  T: Today, Let’s learn the new lesson: Module 4 Unit 1 We’re going to tell stories.


  Game:Listen and say. (快速说出故事的名字)


  11 years ago, a beautiful girl was born in England. These are her family. Her parents: Ms. Smart and Mr. Smart. Her brothers: Sam and Tom. Who is she?

  T: Yes! She is Amy.

  T: Her birthday is coming. She’s going to be 11.

  设计意图:通过游戏猜故事的名字激发学生兴趣,引出课题,理解“tell stories”的同时,自然引出课文内容。

  Step3 Presentation

  T: I’ve got an invitation from Amy. She’s going to have a birthday party.

  Do you want to go with me?

  T: Who can read “invitation”, I’ll give it to you.




  Invitation——It’s an invitation——It’s an invitation for birthday party.

  T: Wonderful! All of you can go with me! Let’s go!


  Text learning:

  T: What are we going to do?

  1. Listen and answer:

  (板书) What are we going to do?

  We’re going to have lunch together

  (板书)After lunch tell stories

  And then see a film

  Before that tidy up



  ②Do and say.

  S1: Do the actions.What are we going to do?

  Ss: We’re going to… (抢答)


  2. Read after the tape.

  3. Role play.

  4. Read together.

  6.Retell. (板书时间词: After lunch, And then, Before that)

  Step4. Practise

  1. Group work.

  设计意图:看图造句,对一般将来时“be going to”结构进行巩固操练。

  2. Grammar.

  be going to+动词原形

  I用am, you用are,

  is 用于她他它,单数is,复数are。

  设计意图:通过对课文知识点的进一步分析,归纳“be going to”的用法。

  3. Make a plan.


  Let’s have a picnic.

  — What are we going to do?

  — We’re going to…

  Make a plan:

  Picnic Plan

  We’re going to have a picnic.

  We’re going to buy some food.

  We’re going to fly kites.

  We’re going to .

  Write a plan:

  There are three themes: Picnic, Party, Sports Day.

  Four students a group, choose one theme and write your plan.



  T: Make a plan before you do it! (做每件事之前要学会制定计划)

  Step6. Homework

  1. Talk about “What are we going to do this weekend?” with your friends.

  2. Try to make a plan for your weekend.

  Blackboard design:

  Module4 Unit1 We’re going to tell stories.

  What are we going to do?

  We are going to have lunch together

  After lunch tell stories

  And then see a film

  Before that tidy u

【Module 4 Unit1 We’re going to tell stories.教学设计】相关文章:

1.六年级英语《We`re going to have a picnic》教学反思

2.《When are we going to swim》的教学反思

3.新课标第三册Module8 Unit1 What are you going to do教学反思

4.《Module 2 Unit 1 they’re monkeys》说课稿

5.二年级英语Book 4 Module 7 Unit1 It‘s children教学设计

6.外研社Module9 UNIT1教学反思

7.4A Module3 Unit1英语教学反思

8.外研版新标准英语 Module4 Unit1 说课稿

