



  No matter where you travel in Asia, you’ll find yourself faced with a new culture. You can start your Asian exploration by visiting some of these attractive cities first.

  Beijing, China

  Beijing is the second largest city in China and serves as the capital. The city is so old, in fact, that almost every building has some sort of cultural or historic features — no matter how small. Getting around the city you’ll find yourself faced with amazing temples, the largest palaces in the world, and many works of art that leave you breathless.

  Siem Reap, Cambodia

  Siem Reap is the capital city of Siem Reap Province in northwestern Cambodia. Siem Reap has a lot of French and Chinese-style architecture. In the city, there are traditional dance performances, silk farms, fishing villages and a bird sanctuary (保护区) near the Tonle Sap Lake. Siem Reap today, being a popular tourist attraction, has a large number of hotels and restaurants.

  Kathmandu, Nepal

  Situated in the heart of the Himalayans, Kathmandu, the largest city and capital of Nepal, is considered to be one of the most outstanding cities in the world today. The shopping districts are world famous and the hotels in Kathmandu are among the most comfortable in the world.

  Kyoto, Japan

  The city of Kyoto served as the capital of Japan from 794 to 1868. No longer the capital, it is known for being the seventh largest city in Japan. Kyoto was destroyed throughout history by fires and war. But now the city is home to more than 1.4 million people, and it presents a modern face to the rest of the world.

  Every city throughout Asia has a story of its own. It’s up to you to explore them all and find out exactly what each one has to offer. Enjoy!

  1.In Siem Reap you can see the following EXCEPT ________.

  A.Chinese-style buildingsB.excellent art works

  C.traditional dancesD.a protected bird area

  2.If you want to visit the old palace, which city should you go

  A.Siem Reap.B.Kyoto.


  3.The writer’s purpose in writing the passage is ________.

  A.to introduce several attractive cities in Asia

  B.to compare some tourist cities in Asia

  C.to tell readers not to visit European cities

  D.to write an advertisement about a travel company

  Girls can easily get sad. If your friend is feeling blue and calls you, what will you do Here are some tips on how you can make her smile again.

  Listen to her. When people feel sad, they often have the feeling of needing to be heard. So, listen carefully to what she is saying and do nothing else. Your friend will surely thank you for being the shoulder she can cry on.

  Once you are done with listening, you can offer some advice or remain silent and let her feel everything and let it all out by crying. As a friend, you might think you should give her some advice. But if you have no idea about what to say, just remain silent and be there for her.

  In order to be able to help your friend in need, don’t be sad for yourself. How can you help your friend when you are also feeling down

  A hug can make a difference in the word. It makes you feel warm and special. A hug makes you feel safe. So give your friend a hug when she needs it the most.

  Spend more time with your friend who wants to be happy. Do things together like washing dishes, cleaning, or going out for fun. The more time you spend together, the stronger your friendship will become.

  Sometimes, it is much better that you avoid a crying friend in your life. But by doing so, you are also keeping your friend at a distance and will make her wonder if you are her true friend. If you are there when she needs you, your friendship will be much stronger.

  1.The writer wrote this passage mainly to tell us_______.

  A.why girls can easily get sad.

  B.what to do when we are sad.

  C.how to make new friends with girls.

  D.how to make a sad female friend happy again.

  2.According to Paragraph 2, when a female friend is sad, what should we do

  A.We should ask her why she feels sad.

  B.We should say something nice to her.

  C.We should spend time listening to her.

  D.We should give her some good advice.

  3.We can learn from the passage that______.

  A.Hugging a sad friend can make you feel warm and special.

  B.Your sad friend may feel much better if you also sad.

  C.It’s not a good idea to be silent facing a sad friend.

  D.Giving a hug to a sad friend is very helpful.

  4.In paragraph 6, the writer mainly suggests that we_____.

  A.spend more time with your friend.

  B.help our friends with their housework

  C.spend time with our friends everyday

  D.ask our friends to take part in activities.

  Mr. Harris used to work in Dover, but then he changed his work, and he and his wife moved to another town. They did not have many friends there, but they soon met a lot of interesting people, and after a few weeks, they often went to dinner or to parties at other people’s houses. Then Mrs. Harris said to her husband, “We’ve been to a lot of other people’s houses, and now we must invite them to our house, mustn’t we ”

  “Yes, certainly,” answered her husband, “A big party will be the easiest thing, won’t it Then we can start to invite people to dinner in small numbers next month.”

  So Mrs. Harris said, “Yes, I’ll invite all our friends here to a big party on 5th December.”

  “How many will that be ” Mr. Harris asked. “Don’t invite too many.”

  Mrs. Harris was beginning to write the invitations when her husband saw that she was writing, “Party: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.”

  “That isn’t very nice, is it ” he said. “You’re telling our guests that they must go at 8:30.” So Mrs. Harris just wrote “Party: 6:30 p.m.”

  A lot of guests came, and they all had a good time, so they did not go home at 8:30. In fact they were still there at mid-night when the door bell rang and a policeman arrived. He said, “You must stop making a noise, because someone has complained.”

  Mr. Harris said he did not want to quarrel with the policeman, so everyone went home. They were sorry to have to go.

  When Mr. and Mrs. Harris were alone again, she said to him. “That was a surprise, wasn’t it Who complained about the noise ”

  “I did,” Mr. Harris answered in a tired voice.

  1.Why did Mr. Harris and his wife move to another town
