



英语作文 篇1

  My mother is the greatest person in the world. She takes care of the family and does all the housework. I never want to make her angry. But sometimes I will do something let her down and when I see her upset face, I feel painful. So I am very strict to myself, I want to be an excellent girl and let her be proud of me. So, I can see her smile often.



英语作文 篇2

  Festival of Lanterns.I spent the Festival of Lanterns with my grandparents this year.

  My family went to my grandparents‘ home and had dinner with them.We had lots of sweetdumplins.After the dinner, my grandparents and I went out to play fireworks.

  We had a very good time together.

  我今年元宵节是和我姥姥姥爷过的。 我爸爸妈妈和我都去了姥姥家,和他们一起吃了晚餐。我们吃了很多元宵。晚餐过后,我们一起出去放花。我们在一起过得很愉快。

英语作文 篇3

  Lin Lin was a busy boy. After school he must go straight back home and begin his drawing lesson. His father taught him how to draw. Every day he must learn to draw a picture.

  One day his father asked him to draw apples. He put three apples on the table and asked, "How many apples are there on the table?”

  “Three apples.”Lin Lin replied.

  “Right! Draw the three apples.”his father said and went out.

  Lin Lin thought it was really too difficult to draw three apples. After a while he had an idea. He ate two of them and then finished the drawing one apple on the paper in a few minutes. When his father came back he was surprised to see the picture. But when he found there was only one apple left on the table, he knew everything about it.

  Learn from Lei Feng

  Liu Ying and Li Lei are classmates. One Saturday afternoon they went to help their neighbour Granny Yang to do some housework. Liu Ying helped to clean the windows and Li Lei helped to sweep the floor. After an hour's work, they finished cleaning.

  Granny Yang was very grateful to them. He took out the apples and said,"Come and have an apple.”Liu Ying and Li Lei didn't take the apples but said,“No, thanks.”With these words, they left the Granny Yang's house. They felt a bit tired but very happy.

  Granny Yang didn't know why. Liu Ying and Li Lei said, “We are learning from Lei Feng. We will come again next Saturday.”

英语作文 篇4

  90 Generation


  Although our generation has received much criticism,I am still proud of being one of the 90 generations.


  Many people consider us as open, bold,outstanding character, early-maturing, and selfishand so on.


  Actually, I don't think those descriptions are bad. What we perform is the need of society.


  We are open and bold means we ready to connect with the world.


  I think our outstanding character is necessary.


  Don't you think it is terrible that everyone in the world is the same?


  As for early-maturing, I think it is good for us to do well preparation for entering the society.


  Last, I don't think people can criticize us to be selfish.


  People often say that everyone is selfish. 90 generation is a promising new generation.


英语作文 篇5

  happy father's day


  my dear dad:(我挚爱的爸爸)

  today is father's day.(今天是父亲节)i love my father very much.(我极爱我的父亲)i want to send my best wishes to you.(我要把我最好的.祝福送给您)

  i remember all the beautiful times

  between us.(我记得我们在一起享有的美妙时光)sush as you hold my hand to see the brilliant sunshine over the land.(比如您牵着我的手看那灿烂阳光沐浴大地) you hold my hand across the flowering forest.(您牵着我的手穿越绿意盎然的大森林)you hold my hand to roam the endless grassland.(您牵着我的手徜徉于无边无际的草原) you hold my hand to play on the white beach near the equator's island.(您牵着我的手在赤道小岛的白色沙滩上嬉戏)you hold my hand to visit the great terra-cotta warrious.(您牵着我的手参观宏伟壮观的秦始皇兵马俑) you hold my hand to run into the blue and shining seaside.(您牵着我的手在碧蓝晶莹的海边奔跑)you hold my hand to enjoy the sweet smell of the rain and dew.(您牵着我的手品尝雨露的甘甜)

  many many things you are together with me.(如许多的事情,我们在一起经历。)we can count the stars.(我们一起数着星星)we can breathe deeply in the morning.(我们在清晨深深呼吸)we can walk in the dusk.(我们在黄昏漫步)

  if you are with me,there's nothing between us.(如果您和我在一起,困难将不值一提)if you are with me,there's peace inside me.(如果您和我在一起,我的内心将充满平静)if you are with me,i will do all i can.(如果您和我在一起,我将尽我所能)

  my dear dad,ilove everything of you,(我的好爸爸,我爱您的一切)your handsome(您的帅气),your laughing(您笑声),your words,(您的话语)your step(您的步伐),everything ,you know?(一切的一切,知道吗?)

  so ,all together ,happy father's day!(总之,父亲节快乐)

  your dear honey



