



英语作文 篇1


  apologize v.道歉 inconvenience.n.不便 make up for my fault 弥补我的过失

  excuse me for my carelessness. i’m sorry for


  1. much to my regret,i am unable to? 让我感到极为遗憾的是自己不能??

  2. excuse me for my not being able to? 请原谅我不能??

  3. i would like to give you my apology for... 对于??,我向您道歉。

  4. i must apologize to you for?就......,我必须向您道歉。

  5. im really sorry and i hope you will be back soon. 真的很抱歉,希望你不久就回来。

  6. i’m sorry to tell you that i can’t... 对未能做??,我表示遗憾。

  7. please accept my sincere apology for... 请接受我关于??的真诚道歉。

  8. please accept my sincere apologies for this unhappy experience. 对于这次不愉快的经历,请接受我诚挚的歉意。

  9. we assure you that such a matter will never happen again. 我们向您保证,此类事件不会再发生。

  10. i would be very much appreciated if you could??如果你能。。。我将万分感激

  11. im afraid what i have done has caused much inconvenience to you.

  12. let’s not put a little misunderstanding between us. 别让我们之间存在哪怕一点点的误解。

  13. i hope that the settlement of the matter will meet your wishes.我希望对此事的处理能满足您的愿望。

  14. i sincerely hope you can understand that i offended you unintentionally.我真心希望您能理解,我并非有意冒犯您。

  15. please accept my apology. i do hope you will understand me and excuse me for my carelessness.







五. 黄金模板:

  dear ,

  i am sorry that i must apologize for。。。。。。。 . i’m writing to tell you the reason for it. 。。。。。。 i’m afraid what i have done has caused much inconvenience to you. in order to make up for my fault, i will?? .please accept my apology. i do hope you can understand me and excuse me for my carelessness.

六 高考作文



  1. 表示歉意;

  2. 解释原因;

  3. 另约时间。


  1. 词数120~150;

  2. 可适当增加细节。dear tom,

  i’m very sorry that i can’t go on a trip to beijing with you next weekend, which

  i have promised you. i’m writing to tell you the reason for it.(topic)just now, my cousin, li ming, who went abroad for further education last year,

  informed me that he would return the next saturday morning. he asked me to pick him

  up at the airport with his parents. as you know, we haven’t seen each other for about

  a year, so i’ll have to help him in the first place.i really hope that you can accept my apologies and understand me. i would

  appreciate it if you allow me to fix another time to show you around some places of

  interest in beijing.

  wish you have a good time this weekend! yours,

  1. 我很抱歉我不能参加attend下周四的你的生日晚会了。—————————————————————————————————

  2. 那是因为我小弟弟突然生病了fall ill,今天早晨被送往医院be taken to hospital。

  3. 我不得不要立刻去那里照顾他。

  4. 我很遗憾我不能去庆祝celebrate你的生日,错过和老朋友相聚的机会miss thechance of

  5. 为表达express我的祝福best wishes,我已经选了为你一份小礼物,将会明天送给你

  6. 除此之外in addition,请代我向我们的朋友问好give my regards to sb当你在晚会上见到他们时

  7. 请原谅我这周六不能(按照我承诺的)到机场为你送行see sb off

  8. 我非常抱歉我错过了上周五英语考试。对此我非常抱歉并且想让你知道那天发生的事情


  9. 那天早晨我突然生病了,我父母不得不送我去医院

  10. 我真诚的希望您能理解我的情况并且接受我的道歉。

  11. 您能允许我参加补考take a make-up exam的话我将万分感激。i would be very much appreciated if you could

  12. 非常抱歉没及时回复7月6日的信。

  13. 当您的信到来时when your letter arrived,我正在北京。等我从北京回来我才看到它not?until

  14. 很抱歉我不能按时到机场接meet你。

  15. 因为你的`飞机flight是一大早early in the morning就到达机场,而我最早到达的时间the earliest i can reachthe airport也要1小时后才能到an hour after you land。

  18. 你能不能在旅客休息室in the arrival lounge等我,

  19. 当您等我的时候你可以吃早饭。


  21. 可是,我非常遗憾地告诉你我无法和你共进午餐,

  22. 因为我将忙于准备prepare后天的一门重要考试。

  23. 错过了这么一个欢乐的聚会 missing such a happy get-together我深感遗憾,我希望你们能度过一个愉快的时光。

  24. 在我考试后我们可以见一面have a private meeting么?

  25. 如果可以的话请随时给我打电话,

  26. 我非常期待能和你愉快地聊天 have a pleasant chat with。

  27. 我非常遗憾地告知您我没有完成您上周布置assign的作业,

  28. 因为几天前我突然生病了。

  29. 过去的几天中in the last few days我一直持续高烧.我住在医院,因此无法做任何作业。

  30. 如果您能再给一周时间来完成它我将感激不尽,希望您能理解我的处境并接受我的道歉。
