



  Today is the fifth day of the lunar new year. It's sunny and cloudless outside. I was sitting at the window, looking out into the distance: the traffic on the road in the past has now turned into a silence.

  When I get up in the morning, I hear several firecrackers. Then I look through my circle of friends. There are pictures of the God of wealth and blessing words everywhere. Of course, it's more about the latest news of the epidemic in Wuhan: new suspected cases, new confirmed cases, new death cases. And looking for tourists coming back from Wuhan. The country is stepping up efforts to find passengers coming back from Wuhan and carry out forced isolation. Because of the novel coronavirus pneumonia recently erupting, it is highly infectious, but the incubation period is two weeks. Local media call on people to consciously isolate, but some people can't. This behavior is understandable but unacceptable. Once people are isolated, it is inevitable to panic. But we should take it easy and believe that everything will blossom and fog will disappear. We should believe in science, be responsible for ourselves, for others, and for the society and human beings we live in! Although the patients are infected with the virus, they are our compatriots and even our relatives and friends. While protecting ourselves and our families, we pray for them and wish them a speedy recovery!

  From the beginning of the new year, the central government held an emergency epidemic prevention and control deployment meeting, followed by emergency meetings in various regions. We are required to stay at home during the Spring Festival, prohibit visiting relatives and friends, and prevent the spread of the epidemic. It's the first time in history to take such a significant measure to deal with the epidemic!

  The world makes a hero. Recently, academician Zhong Nanshan is the person who swipes the screen in the circle of friends. He called on people all over the country to stay at home, and he, 84 years old, took the train to the front line of Wuhan in the evening of 1930 to guide the anti epidemic rescue work. This fearless spirit is the backbone of China; this sacred sense of mission is the road sign of all medical staff and a light in our hearts! He said: "Wuhan is a heroic city, with the support of the whole people, Wuhan will surely pass the customs!"

  In 2003, we have won the battle against SARS and accumulated a lot of experience and lessons. Of course, we are confident to win this battle this time.

  Let's stay at home and enjoy a moment of peace. Protect yourself and your family.

  Pay homage to another group of "rebels" in front of the epidemic - Grassroots workers from all walks of life!

  Cheer for the medical workers in the front line of the "epidemic" Anti Japanese war!

  Pray for China!











  The sudden outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia has changed our lives. This year's Spring Festival has been extraordinary.

  The original lively Spring Festival was beaten by the epidemic and broke up unhappily. Many people can't go home and get together with their relatives. But a selfless angel in white did not leave his post at this crisis moment, saying: "where there is an epidemic, there is a battlefield. It's common sense that there will be sacrifices in the battlefield. " Zhong Nanshan, an 84 year old academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, rushed to the front line of the most dangerous anti epidemic situation.

  A selfless angel in white, because Wuhan is closed but wants to make some contribution to the country, so he would not hesitate to sneak into Wuhan. In sharp contrast to others.

  Many angels in white wrote letters of invitation. They said that they fought hard against SARS in 2003 and will not be absent this time. Moved all the Chinese. They gave up the time of reunion with their relatives, were not afraid of the risk of being infected by the virus, and rushed to fight in the front line of epidemic prevention and control, regardless of pay, life and death, regardless of conditions. These busy figures glittering with the brilliance of human nature and fighting in the battlefield of anti epidemic gathered into an invincible Chinese force!

  Doctors, father and son, are encouraging each other through protective glass. They are father and son, and even comrades in arms For patients, "I don't know who you are, but I know who you are for." At the critical moment, the angel in white becomes a steel warrior. Behind "walking against the virus, bravely being a rebel" is the boundless benevolence of doctors, who have built an indestructible defense line of life hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder.

  Dark clouds can not cover the sun, the haze will eventually spread, only efforts will not be failed. Who is the most beautiful in this battle? Who is the most tired? Our comrades in arms fighting on the front line and Chinese people fighting in the rear, let us respond to the call of the state. Don't make trouble for the country. Keep the epidemic away as soon as possible.

  As long as we work together, unite and walk hand in hand. It will definitely defeat the epidemic. Usher in the scene of warm spring flowers blooming and flowers contending.

  Come on, angel in white! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

  The outbreak war happened so abruptly that when people were shocked, the virus had already hit Wuhan and other areas, and our country could not follow the "ban on foot".

  Although we are locked at home, we may not forget to turn our mobile phones and watch TV to pay attention to current affairs. Many entrepreneurs have extended a helping hand to Wuhan, donating masks, protective clothing and a large amount of RMB, but today we don't talk about these entrepreneurs. Let's talk about a strange and ordinary kind-hearted person.

  I'm sure you've seen in the news that a strange man was wearing a mask and driving a private car to and fro all the police stations in the province. He packed a box of masks in the trunk. Every time he went to a police station, he had to wear several bags of masks and put them into the hall quickly. Then he left quickly. The police uncles asked him to leave his phone number and name, but he left in a hurry with a wave of his hand. This scene was captured by the surveillance. The police uncles sent this section to the Internet, which attracted many netizens to comment, praise and forward. We should all learn from him, his selfless dedication and his patriotism.

  By contrast, what do you think of other people who don't wear masks and are not subject to professional inspection? You are not only not subject to the examination of professional medical staff, but also resist the laws of the motherland. You are not worthy of being a Chinese at all, and you are not worthy to say that you are the children of the motherland. You should be expelled from China and never come back.

  Five thousand years ago, we overcame the flood; two thousand years ago, we overcame the Huns; seven hundred years ago, we overcame the foreigners; seventy years ago, we overcame the invaders; seventeen years ago, we overcame SARS. Although we are facing new challenges today, we Chinese have never failed to meet them. This time, we will fight the epidemic to the end. I firmly believe that with the concerted efforts of the Chinese people, with our advanced technology, superb medical skills and our invincible confidence and courage, we will win the final battle of prevention and control of the epidemic!





