



  The up and down five thousand years of civilization, since without integrity, feng yuxiang said that "for a person with good faith, people don't cheat me; to the matter by the good faith, the thing is

  On one occasion, and borrow books to your classmates, very not easy have borrowed, returned home, I couldn't put it down, just like the fish swim in the sea. At lunch I devoured a few mouth went again with relish reading a book, have the time to forget. Is going to go to school, I haven't finished, quickly put down the book and went to school, just sit in the seat, suddenly reminded of my classmates let me return the book to her in the afternoon. But when the book was still quietly lying on the desk in my house! I'm sure she will be very angry. Later, I used up all the sweet words to persuade her, also vowed the tomorrow will bring. Day after day passed, and book is so quiet lie in the place of this should not lie, her face is becoming more and more ugly. I thought to myself: volca erupted! Finally she got angry, fire emit three zhangs, loudly shouted to me. At this time, I felt very upset, very afflictive, really want to have a disappear. Back home, the first thing I put the book in the bag, afraid to forget again. When I returned the book to her, with indescribable smile on his face. But, still, not letting her temper, and vowed never to borrow my book! At this point, I very embarrassed, carefully say: "thank you"! Just fly ran out, the in the mind really not the taste.

  Credit is a kind of benefit life savings. This kind of savings, is a friend of your trust. Credit is a thick wall, again big also can resist the damage; Credit is a pillar, it can hold up a piece of beautiful blue sky. With the classic, with sage, the good faith with me happy growth.


  有一次,向同学借书,好不容易借来了,回到家里,我爱不释手的看着,就像鱼儿畅游在海洋中一样。午饭的时候我狼吞虎咽的吃了几口就又津津有味的看书去了,早把时间忘在脑后。快要上学了,我还没有看完,急忙放下书,跑到学校,刚坐到座位上,突然间想起了同学让我下午把书就还给她。可是那本书这时正在我家里的书桌上安安静静的躺着呢!我想她一定会很生气的。后来,我用尽了甜言蜜语才说服她,还信誓旦旦的保证明天一定能带来。一天一天又一天过去了,书还是那样安静的躺在那本不应该躺的地方,她的脸色也越来越难看。我心想:“火山就要爆发了”!终于她生气了,火冒三丈,大声的向我吼着。此时,我心里忐忑不安,难受极了,真想有个地缝钻进去。回到家里,我第一件事情就是把书放在了书包里,生怕再忘记了。当我把书还给她里, 脸上堆满了难以形容的微笑。但是,她的火气还是没有消,还发誓说再也不借我书了!此时,我十分尴尬的、小心翼翼的说了声:“谢谢”!就飞似的跑了出去,心里真不是滋味。


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