


  第一,注意日记的格式:一般是左上角写当天的日期,右上角写当天的天气情况(cloudy/ clear/ windy/ rainy/ fine/ snowy…)。日期通常采用两种写法:一种是按“月、日、年”顺序;另一种是按“日、月、年”的顺序。注意要在年份之前有一个逗号,而且月份通常可用缩写词(如:Jan., Feb., Mar.等)。如果需要写星期,可将其写在日期的前面或后面。如:Monday, May15th, 2008或May15th, 2008, Monday


  第三,日记一般按事情发生的先后顺序记述,所以常需借助一些表示先后顺序的词语,如at first, then, later on, afterwards, finally, at last等。一定要注意句与句、段与段之间的连接和过渡,适当使用一些过渡词语使其连接紧凑、过渡自然。




  ·I had a pleasant outing with some of my classmates today.今天我很高兴和我的同学一起出游。

  ·Early in the morning, we set off for the farm for a visit.今早我们动身前往农场参观。

  ·When we reached the farm, we were given a warm welcome.当我们到达农场的时候,我们受到了热烈的欢迎。

  ·They showed us around the farm(We were shown around the farm), where we saw many kinds of plants.他们带领我们参观了农场,在那里我们看到了各种各样的植物。

  ·We caught sight of a stream with green grass and beautiful flowers on both sides.在小溪的两边,我们看到了绿草和漂亮的花。

  ·We were completely amazed at the wonder and the greatness of nature.(我们完全被大自然的奇妙和伟大折服了)

  ·Once on the top of the hill/The moment we got to the top of the hill, we were deeply struck/attracted by the beautiful scenery.我们一达到山顶就被眼前的美景深深地吸引了。

  ·How we enjoyed the beautiful views from the top!

  ·After being divided into groups, we set to work at once. 分组之后,我们马上开始工作了。

  ·Some of us were getting water, some (were) cutting the meat and vegetables, and others (were) sitting on the grass enjoying music. 我们中一些人打水,一些切肉和菜,还有一些坐在草地上听音乐。

  ·Three hours had passed before we knew it.

  ·The time passed quickly before we knew it.

  ·It was time for us to go back when the sun started to go down.当太阳下山的时候,我们也该回去了。

  ·At four o'clock in the afternoon we had to return / had to say goodbye to them..下午四点我们不得不和他们告别。

  ·On the way back, we were laughing and talking all the time. 在回来的路上,我们一路有说有笑。

  ·What a wonderful weekend we had!

  ·We enjoyed ourselves very much.

  ·Through these out-of class activities we can learn a lot of things that can't be learned in class.通过这些课外活动,我们学到了许多课堂上学不到的东西。

  ·Although we were tired, we felt very happy. I think it's our duty to cover our country with green.
