

  注:1)In the event no blood was shed就是不流血的事件了;2)应该注意ostensibly这个词,假装讨论,一个副词就解决了;3)mausoleum这个词只有帝王或者规模宏大的墓才可以使用;4)nab这个词informal,等于arrest。

  Wang’s risky move had paid off, and he then fully supported Hua Guofeng, China’s new leader, who claimed to have inherited Mao’smantle. But Wang was not so politically astute during the next two years,during which the supporters of Deng Xiaoping – out of favour before Mao’s death – were rallying to bring Deng back to power. “Deng has some capability,” Wang said scornfully,“but his mistakes are far greater.”

  注:1)pay off就是“有回报了”;2)当claim这个词的时候,要注意其隐含的意思,就像汉语中的“声称”,你是持怀疑态度的;3)汉语中说的“继承XX人的衣钵”,就是这里的“inherit one’s mantle”了;4)politically astute就是形容有政治嗅觉的人;5)说一个人out of favor,就是说他失宠了;6)rally to bring Deng back to power,就是聚集/团结力量把邓扶上台;7)“Deng has some capability,” Wangsaid scornfully, “but his mistakes are far greater.” 看到没,评价一个人有点能力,但是错误更大,就这么说的。

  The mistake was Wang’s: as Mao had once said, Wang was very capable, but he was not very bright politically. In late 1978 Deng gained effective control of China and began to launch reform policies that reversed those of Mao’s Cultural Revolution (1966-76). At the Communist party plenum that signalled Deng’s return, Wang lost control of the critically important central security bureau, which had hitherto placed him at the centre of the political elite. Thereafter, along with Hua and other leaders who still believed that Mao’s road to socialism was essentially right, Wang passed into political oblivion. Like them, he lived comfortably thereafter, and even wrote some memoirs, but spent the remaining decades of his life in the twilight.
