

  注:1)第一句是说“其实错的是汪”,主席都说了,他政治上不聪明;2)reverse也是个很好的词,扭转的意思,或者这里可以说是推翻了毛文革中的政策;3)Thereafter很少有人用,就是自那以后;4)pass/sink into political oblivion就是政治上被人遗忘了,这个表达非常好,有时候必须用这个表达才能把句子组织好;5)twilight愿意为黄昏,此处为比喻义。以后如果遇到“英雄迟暮”这个表达,你或许可以考虑采用这个词结合语境处理。

  Wang was born in the southern province of Jiangxi and came from a poor peasant family. In his teens he joined the communist Red Army,which was then based in the province, and followed them on the Long March(1935-36) to Yan’an, their new revolutionary base in north-west China. After the war with Japan ended and civil war broke out in China between ChiangKai-shek’s nationalists and the communists, Wang was attached to the special bodyguard unit around Mao.

  注:1)Chiang Kai-shek这个就是被某个知名教授翻译为“常凯申”的“蒋某人”,这个名字还是应该记住的;2)nationalist就是反动派了(也叫Kuomintang,建成KMT),民国政府就是the nationalist government;3)be attached to an organization,就是隶属于一个组织了,体会后面的around这个介词,就是说这个警卫组织是围着毛转的。这个词还有一个很好的用法,我们汉语中说一个人对一个东西情感上难以割舍,就是be emotionally attached to something.

  In 1947, when Chiang’s forces threatened Yan’an and the communist army retreated, Mao at first wished to stay in the rearguard, but Wang volunteered instead. “If the chairman orders me”, he declared, “ I shall wait here for the enemy.” His loyalty was rewarded after the communist victory in 1949, when he not only gained a leading job in the security apparatus but took a post in the party’s central secretariat.
