

  As head of Mao’s personal security for many years, Wang had been privy to many secrets, including the leader’s extra-marital affairs. Jiang had many times been humiliated by having to ask Wang what her husband was doing – a request Wang often refused to answer. After Mao’s death Wang knew very well that Jiang would settle scores with him if she and her ultra-left colleagues increased their power in the leadership vacuum. He blocked her attempt to gain control of Mao’s personal archives, which she might then have used to claim that Mao backed her authority, and when in early October 1976 he was sounded out by Ye Jianying, the veteran military leader, about the idea of arresting the Gang of Four, Wang made up his mind quickly. “Events are pressing,” he told Ye. “We can delay no longer.”

  注:1)江青很多次都得低声下气地问汪他的丈夫在干什么:Jiang had manytimes been humiliated by having to ask Wang what her husband was doing。我们强调过,看完一句英文,尤其是你不经常看到的英文句式或表达,一定要先想一下,这句话想表达什么意思,然后再想,这个意思在我没看过这句英文之前,我大概会怎么说,然后做对比,然后你就会有很大收获。保持这个习惯,坚持两年,你的英语能力一定会有很大不同;2)– a request Wang often refused toanswer这里的破折号表示强调后面的信息;3)与某人算账:settle scores with him;4)block one’s attempt to do something也是个不错的表达,想想这句话你可以用于哪些语境,这个习惯也要保持。这样的联想会让你在需要的时候,马上找到你想要的表达;5)sound sb. out就是汉语中说的“试探某人口风”了。

  Little was heard from Wang in his later days as he lived out his time in obscurity. But in 2011 he reportedly complained that Chinese socialism was in retreat, and that everyone was now “fixated on getting money”.No contemporary Chinese political leader would have dared talk like that, but Wang remained wedded to his early beliefs, declaring himself “a loyal soldier of chairman Mao” to the end.  注:1)在默默无闻中度完一生:live out one’s time/lifein obscurity; 2)he reportedly complained that是不是觉得这句话没什么特别之处,但是你想想,如果让你说:据说他抱怨,你是否会写成it was reported that he complained,然后再看he reportedly complained that是不是就会觉得这个很简洁;3)倒退:be in retreat,相当于retrogress; 4) 整天想着钱:fixated on getting money,类似表达还有obsessed with money, money-minded; 5)if you are wedded to something such as an idea, you support it so strongly or like it so much that you are unable to give it up,从Wang remained wedded to his early beliefs这句话来看,人家的那个信念也真的算是信仰了。

  Wang Dongxing, politician, born 1 January 1916; died 21August 2015

