

  注:1)rearguard是后卫部队。关于这个词也有个不错的表达:fight/mount a rearguard action,看英文解释:if you fight a rearguard action, you are trying to very hard to prevent something from happening, even thought it is probably too late for you to succeed. 有点像汉语中的“最后一搏”。我们尽量不用中文解释意思,奥斯卡王尔德说,to define is to limit,那to define an English word in Chinese is to limit the word further; 2)这里的his loyalty was rewarded换一下就是上文的his loyalty paid off;3)看到这里,不知道大家感觉到没有,中央机关的名字在本文中已经出现过好几次,但都不是官方的正式名字,也没有大写,因为老外对这些机构的名字缺乏背景认识,所以在某些情况下,你也可以学习一下这种方法:在机构名称并非核心关键信息的时候,可以模糊化处理,比如银监会,直接写成central banking regulator。

  From then on Wang occupied a key position close to the top leadership – particularly Mao – and was fully involved in the Communistparty’s internal affairs. He was largely an unseen figure, but in 1966 he could be spotted in the great Red Guard rallies at the start of the Cultural Revolution, sitting proudly next to the chauffeur in the open-top car from which Mao reviewed his fervent supporters. After Mao’s death, Wang remained a constant supporter, always visiting the mausoleum in Tiananmen Square with flowers on Mao’s birthday. He also published a diary to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Mao’s birth.

  注:1)“参与”这个词,有很多人除了participate and take part in,好像用不出更多词了,其实上面的be involved in也可以的,当然,什么时候用participate in, be involved in, be part of这些表达,又可以洋洋洒洒写一篇长文,在此不赘述;2)“默默无闻的人物” 看完本文应该学会了an unseen figure;3)敞篷车:an open-top car;4)马上要阅兵了,检阅就是上面的review了;5)“狂热的支持者”:fervent supporter;6)After Mao’s death, Wang remained a constant supporter,这句话中要学习的就是这里的constant,永远不变啊。汉语中的常量就是constant,变量variable。把一个东西当作常量,就是hold something constant。
