




  Product Quality Law of The People's Republic of China

 第一章 总则

  Chapter I General Provisions

  第一条 为了加强对产品质量的监督管理,明确产品质量责任,保护用户、消费者的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,制定本法。

  Article 1 This Law is enacted to strengthen the supervision and control over product quality, to define the liability for product quality, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of users and consumers and to safeguard the socio-economic order.

  第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事产品生产、销售活动,必须遵守本法。本法所称产品是指经过加工、制作,用于销售的产品。建设工程不适用本法规定

  Article 2 Anyone who conducts activities of production and sale of any product within the territory of the People’s Republic of China must abide by this Law. Product referred to in this law means a product which is processed or manufactured for the purpose of sale. This Law shall not apply to construction projects.

  第三条 生产者、销售者依照本法规定承担产品质量责任。

  Article 3 Producers and sellers shall be liable for product quality in accordance with this Law.

  第四条 禁止伪造或者冒用认证标志、名优标志等质量标志;禁止伪造产品的产地,伪造或者冒用他人的厂名、厂址;禁止在生产、销售的产品中掺杂、掺假,以假充真、以次充好。

  Article 4 It is prohibited to forge or falsely use authentication marks, famous-and-excellent-product marks or other product quality marks; it is prohibited to forge the origin of a product, to forge or falsely use the name and address of a factory of another producers; and it is prohibited to mix impurities or imitations into products that are produced or sold, or pass a fake product off as a genuine one, or pass a defective product off as a high-quality one.

  第五条 国家鼓励推行科学的质量管理方法,采用先进的科学技术,鼓励企业产品质量达到并且超过行业标准、国家标准和国际标准。对产品质量管理先进和产品质量达到国际先进水平、成绩显著的单位和个人,给予奖励。

  Article 5 The State shall encourage the popularization of scientific methods in product quality control and the adoption of advanced science and technology. The State shall encourage enterprises to make their product quality meet and even surpass their respective trade standards, the national and international standards. Units and individuals that have made outstanding achievements in ensuring advanced product quality control and in raising product quality to the advanced international standards shall be awarded.

  第六条 国务院产品质量监督管理部门负责全国产品质量监督管理工作。国务院有关部门在各自的职责范围内负责产品质量监督管理工作。

  Article 6 The department in charge of supervision and control over product quality under the State Council shall be responsible for nation-wide supervision and control over product quality. The relevant departments under the State Council shall be responsible for supervision and control over product quality within the scope of their respective functions and responsibilities.


  The administrative departments responsible for supervision over product quality in the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of supervision and control over product quality within their administrative regions. The relevant partments in the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of supervision and control over product quality within the scope of their respective functions and responsibilities.

第二章 产品质量的监督管理

  Chapter II Supervision and Control over Product Quality

  第七条 产品质量应当检验合格,不得以不合格产品冒充合格产品。

  Article 7 The quality of a product shall be inspected and proved to be up to the standards. No sub-standard product shall be passed off as a product up to the standards.

  第八条 可能危及人体健康和人身、财产安全的工业产品,必须符合保障人体健康、人身、财产安全的国家标准、行业标准;未制定国家标准、行业标准的,必须符合保障人体健康,人身、财产安全的要求。

  Article 8 Industrial products constituting possible threats to the health or safety of human life and property must be in compliance with the national standards and trade standards safeguarding the health or safety of human life and property; In the absence of such national standards or trade standards, the product must meet the requirements for safeguarding the health or safety of human life and property.

  第九条 国家根据国际通用的质量管理标准,推行企业质量体系认证制度。企业根据自愿原则可以向国务院产品质量监督管理部门或者国务院产品质量监督管理部门授权的部门认可的认证机构申请企业质量体系认证。经认证合格的,由认证机构颁发企业质量体系认证证书。

  Article 9 The State shall, in compliance with the international quality control standards in general use, practise a rule of authentication for enterprise quality system. an enterprise may on voluntary basis apply to the department in charge of supervision and control over product quality under the State Council or an authentication agency approved by a department authorized by the department in charge of supervision and control over product quality under the State Council for authentication of enterprise quality system. With respect to the enterprise which has passed the authentication, the authentication agency shall issue an authentication certificate of enterprise quality system.


  The State shall practise a product quality authentication system by making reference to the internationally advanced product standards and technical requirements. An enterprise may on voluntary basis apply to the department in charge of supervision and control over product quality under the State Council or to an authentication agency approved by a department authorized by the department in charge of supervision and control over product in quality under the State Council for authentication of product quality. With respect to the enterprise which has passed the authentication, the authentication agency shall issue a product quality authentication certificate and permit it to use the product quality authentication marks on its products or the packages thereof.

  第十条 国家对产品质量实行以抽查为主要方式的监督检查制度,对可能危及人体健康和人身、财产安全的产品,影响国计民生的重要工业产品以及用户、消费者、有关组织反映有质量问题的产品进行抽查。监督抽查工作由国务院产品质量监督管理部门规划和组织。

  Article 10 The State shall, with respect to product quality, enforce a upervision and inspection system with random checking as its main form. Products constituting possible threats to the health or safety of human life and property, important industrial products which have a bearing on the national economy and the people's livelihood, and products with quality problems as reported by users, consumers or relevant organizations shall be subjected to random checking. such supervision and random checking shall be planned and organized by the department in charge of supervision and control over product quality under the State Council.


  The administrative departments responsible for supervision over product quality of the local people’s governments at or above the county level may also organize supervision and random checking within their respective administrative regions. However, overlapping random checking shall be avoided. The results of random checking of product quality shall be made public. Where the laws provide otherwise with respect to the supervision over and inspection of product quality, the provisions of such laws shall apply.Products may be inspected if the supervision and random checking for such products so require, but no fees shall be charged for such purposes from the enterprises concerned. Expenses thus incurred shall be disbursed in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council.

  第十一条 产品质量检验机构必须具备相应的检测条件和能力,经省级以上人民政府产品质量监督管理部门或者其授权的部门考核合格后,方可承担产品质量的检验工作。法律、行政法规对产品质量检验机构另有规定的,依照有关的法律、行政法规的规定执行。

  Article 11 Product quality inspection institutions must have appropriate testing facilities and capabilities, and shall undertake the work of inspection of product quality only after being examined and verified by a department in charge of supervisions and control over product quality under the people’s government at or above the provincial level or an organization authorized by the department. Where the laws, administrative rules and regulations provide otherwise with respect to the product quality inspection institutions, the provisions of such laws, rules and regulations shall apply.

  第十二条 用户、消费者有权就产品质量问题,向产品的生产者、销售者查询;向产品质量监督管理部门、工商行政管理部门及有关部门申诉,有关部门应当负责处理。

  Article 12 Users and consumers shall have the right to make inquiries to the producers and sellers about the quality of their products. Where a complaint is made to a department in charge of supervision and control over product quality or to an administrative department for industry and commerce or to any other department concerned, such department shall be responsible for the handling thereof.

  第十三条 保护消费者权益的社会组织可以就消费者反映的产品质量问题建议有关部门负责处理,支持消费者对因产品质量造成的损害向人民法院起诉。

  Article 13 Social organizations responsible for the protection of the rights and interests of consumers may, with respect to matters concerning product quality as reported by consumers, suggest to the departments concerned that they handle the matters, and may support consumers in bringing a suit to a people's court for the damage caused by quality problems of products.
