



  总结会议 Concluding a Business Meeting


  That wraps up the last item on the agenda. Before we close, are there any questions? Fine. In summary, I think we agree that this quarter's domestic sales figures show a marked trend in microwave sales. Sam, I'd like you to follow up on that, please. Let's see where this is heading. Jane, thank you for the comprehensive PR status report. I understand there are still a few problems to be worked out, but we all trust in your ability. Ladies and gentlemen, the new design is satisfactory. Let's keep Action ahead of the game. Finally, I appreciate your comments and suggestions about the Canadian sales outlook. This is our first opportunity to promote our products in North America, so we certainly want to cover every detail.

  Well, then, that covers everything. I make a motion to close the third quarterly meeting of Action Appliances. Is there a second?


  wrap up 完成;结束


  I'd like to quickly wrap up this meeting, so we can go home.

  我想赶快把这个会议结束,那我们就可以回家。 marked trend 明显的趋势


  Judging from the graph, you can see a marked trend upward on the Japanese stock exchange.

  依照这张图表,你们可以看出日本股市明显地上涨。 follow up on (something) 进一步了解 "follow"原是「跟随」的意思;这个词组是指注意某事发展,并进一步深入地了解它。介系词"on"之后所跟的名词词组即代表需要了解的事。

  We can take care of that problem when we follow up.


  status report 状况报告

  "status"指‘事情的状况’。一般公司都会要求每个计划或部门的负责人在固定的时间,报告事情的最新进展,即"status report"。

  The accounting department is required to submit weekly status reports to our general manager.

  会计部必须每周向总经理提出现况报告。 work out 解决,完成


  Things will work out as long as you are patient.


  ahead of the game 领先


  She studies hard every day to stay ahead of the game.



  ● 讨论结束

  1. That wraps up the last item on the agenda.

  2. That takes care of the last order of business.

  3. That concludes the final order of business.

  主席首先应宣布讨论已经结束,之后再作结语。"wrap up"与"conclude"的意思相同,表示‘结束’。"take care of"在此有‘完成’之意。

  ● 总结重点

  1. In summary, I think we agree that this quarter's domestic sales figures show a marked trend in microwave sales.

  2. Overall, I think we are in agreement about the third quarter's sales figures that show a marked trend in microwave sales.

  3. To repeat, we agree that the microwave sales figures are showing a marked trend. 宣布讨论结束之后,主持人应总结会议的讨论结果或要点。"I think we agree…"是一个的间接句法,婉转地询问其它人的意见;而"in summary" 、"overall"或"to repeat"是作摘要的实用词汇,通常置于句首。

  ● 感谢与会者

  1. Finally, I appreciate your comments and suggestions about the Canadian sales outlook.

  2. And lastly, thank you for your comments and suggestions about the Canadian sales outlook.

  3. In conclusion, I welcome your comments and suggestions about the sales outlook for Canada.

  做过要点总结后,主席可以感谢与会者的建议和参与。用"finally" 、"lastly"或"in conclusion"来承接上文,亦表示这是谈话的最后一段了。并以"appreciate" ,"thank you"这些字眼表达谢意。

  ● 提议散会

  1. I make a motion to close the third quarterly meeting of Action Appliances. Is there a second?

  2. I'd like to make a motion to conclude the third quarterly meeting of Action Appliances. Is there a second?

  3. I move that we close this quarterly meeting. Do I have a second?

