



  M: I call this meeting to order. Thank you all in attendance today, I know it's a busy day for you all. We have a lot of material to cover today. Did everyone get an agenda?

  F: I need a copy of the agenda. Also, may I suggest something? I know we have many points to review today, but would it be possible to limit our meeting time to finish before four o'clock? Many of us still have a mountain of work to do before the day's end.

  M: We should be able to finish everything up before then. Let's run through the major points first, and see where we're at. The first matter of business is to approve the minutes of our last meeting.

  F: I propse we accept the minutes.

  M: Good. Do I have a second?

  F: I second.

  M: motion carried. Now, next on our agenda is our budget review. Margaret, can you please fill us in on where the budget review stands?

  F: I gave everyone a copy of the manual last week. We've had the review board going over everything, and they have come up with a final review. Here's a copy for everyone, and if you have any questions, you can talk to me after the meeting. Basically, the budget review has been completed, with maybe a few polishing details left.

  M: What kind of action is required?

  F: If everyone could take a look at the final review handout, if there're any objections or corrections, let me know. Next week, we can cast the final approval.


  A: Right, that ends the third and final part of our presentation. I'd like to end by emphasizing the main points. I'll give you a brief summary. There are three potential areas for development in the future: domestic, overseas market, and the internet. Each of these markets have their own particular need for marketing strategy.... for domestic, we can rely on past research, for overseas markets we depend heavily on our cultural consultants, and for the internet, we need to redo our image to appeal to a young set of consumers. Our main issue here is that we need to be sensitive to the needs of different markets in order to continue to see success. Mark, did you have anything to add?

  B: Yes, I want to restate one more time the importance of reinventing our company's image to

  appeal to different customer bases. I want to end with a true story that has to do exactly with what we've been talking about today....
