

  I have a six-year-old son and a three-year-old daughter. I want more choices for both of them. I want my son to have the choice to be a full partner not just at work, but at home; and I want my daughter to have a choice to do either. But if she chooses work, to be well-liked for what she accomplishes. I can’t wait for the term “work/life balance” to be something that’s not just discussed at women’s conferences.我有一个六岁的儿子和一个三岁的女儿,我希望他们能有更多的选择。我希望我的儿子不仅能成为妻子事业上的伙伴,也能成为她生活中的伴侣;我的女儿也是如此。但如果女儿选择了事业,那么希望她会因自己的成就而获得人们的爱戴。仅仅依靠在妇女大会上讨论“工作与生活的平衡”远远不够,我们得行动起来,不能被动地等待。

  Of course not everyone wants to jump into the workforce and rise to the top. Life is going to bring many twists and turns, and each of us, each of you, have to forge your own path. I have deep respect for my friends who make different choices than I do, who choose the really hard job of raising children full time, who choose to go part time, or who choose to pursue more nontraditional goals. These are choices that you may make some day, and these are fine choices.当然,并不是每个人都想投身职场,一路升到高管的位置上。生命总是有许多曲折,我们每个人,你们每个人,都不得不打起精神努力前行。对于那些与我的选择截然不同的朋友们,我也一样非常尊敬。她们有的人成了全职妈妈,有的人喜欢做兼职,也有的人在追寻非传统的生活目标。这些选择也许就是将来某天你们需要做的,它们都非常精彩,各有千秋。

  But until that day, do everything you can to make sure that when that day comes, you even have a choice to make. Because what I have seen most clearly in my 20 years in the workforce is this: Women almost never make one decision to leave the workforce. It doesn’t happen that way. They make small little decisions along the way that eventually lead them there. Maybe it’s the last year of med school when they say, I’ll take a slightly less interesting specialty because I’m going to want more balance one day. Maybe it’s the fifth year in a law firm when they say, I’m not even sure I should go for partner, because I know I’m going to want kids eventually.但是,在那天到来之前你要尽全力保证,当那天来临时你还有得选择。我在二十多年的事业生涯中已经看得非常清楚:女性离开职场从来都不是自己选择的结果,事情本不应该是这样的。她们只是在随波逐流混日子,几乎不需要做一丁点决定。也许是在医学院的最后一年,她们说“我得选个稍微冷门的专业,因为我希望生活和工作能平衡一些”;也许是在律师事务所工作的第五个年头,她们说“我也不知道自己是不是该结婚了,因为我知道无论如何最后得要个孩子。”
