

  These women don’t even have relationships, and already they’re finding balance, balance for responsibilities they don’t yet have. And from that moment, they start quietly leaning back. The problem is, often they don’t even realize it. Everyone I know who has voluntarily left a child at home and come back to the workforce—and let’s face it, it’s not an option for most people. But for people in this audience, many of you are going to have this choice. Everyone who makes that choice will tell you the exact same thing: You’re only going to do it if your job is compelling.这些女性还没有稳定的男友,便开始寻求生活的平衡以及那并不存在的感情平衡。从那一刻开始,她们就退缩了。问题是,这些女性自己并没有意识到这一点——我所知道的每一个自愿把孩子留在家中自己返回职场的女人都是如此。面对现实吧,对大多数女性来说,这根本算不上是个选择。不过,对于在座的各位,你们当中将有非常多的人可以抢先主动选择。凡是做出过这种选择的人都会告诉你同样一件事:只有到了迫不得已的时候再做选择。

  If several years ago you stopped challenging yourself, you’re going to be bored. If you work for some guy who you used to sit next to, and really, he should be working for you, you’re going to feel undervalued, and you won’t come back. So, my heartfelt message to all of you is, and start thinking about this now, do not leave before you leave. Do not lean back; lean in. Put your foot on that gas pedal and keep it there until the day you have to make a decision, and then make a decision. That’s the only way, when that day comes, you’ll even have a decision to make.如果几年前你已经放弃了挑战自己,那么现在你一定觉得生活很无聊;如果你在为某个过去和你平起平坐的男人打工,而事实上他本来应该要为你工作,你就会觉得自己的价值被低估,于是去意萌生。所以,我深深地感觉到在座的你们应该现在开始思考这个问题,而不是留在离开前再想。不要退缩,要前进。把脚踩在油门上,一直到你不得不做出选择的那天,然后再随心而定。这才是当那天到来之时,能让自己有所选择的唯一途径。 主动选择,不轻言放弃
