

  (5). 甲方有责任协调乙方与本协议涉及的承包农户以及当地其他居民间的关系。乙方在项目建设和生产过程中因承包户、当地居民(包括周边群众)等人为因素迫使乙方停工、停产或减产的,甲方必须全力配合乙方, 及时协调解决。若在_____天内未能协调解决,由此给乙方造成损失的,甲方必须赔偿乙方的全部损失。在问题协调解决并且乙方恢复正常建设工作或正常经营活动前,乙方有权缓付租金并且不承担逾期付款违约责任;如果问题未能在____天之内解决,则乙方有权从任何应付租金中扣除问题未解决期间天数的相应租金金额;如果因甲方未能及时协调解决前述问题,导致本协议无法履行或本协议目的不能实现,乙方有权以书面通知方式解除本协议并且要求甲方赔偿乙方遭受的全部损失,包括本协议无法履行或本协议目的不能实现所遭受的预期利润损失。

  Party A has the obligation to coordinate the relationship between Party B and all contract holding farm households and other local residents. If, during the construction period or production period of the Project, Party B’s construction and production process is suspended or Party B’s production is reduced due to reasons of the contract holding farm households or local residents (including surrounding residents), Party A shall fully cooperate with Party B to promptly solve the problems. If the problems are not solved within ___ days causing losses to Party B, Party A shall compensate Party B for all the losses so suffered by Party B. Before the problems are solved and Party B’s normal construction work or normal operation is resumed, Party B has the right to withhold rent payment without any liabilities for late payment; If the problems have not been resolved within ___ days, then Party B shall have the right to deduct from any payable rent the amount of the corresponding rent for the days of the period for which the problems have not been resolved; If this Lease Agreement cannot be performed or the purpose of this Lease Agreement cannot be achieved due to Party A’s failure to coordinate and solve the aforesaid problems, Party B shall have the right to terminate this Lease Agreement by giving Party A a written notice and to request Party A to compensate Party B for all losses suffered by Party B, including the expected profits lost due to the non-performance of this Lease Agreement or the failure of the purpose of this Lease Agreement.
