

  (6). 在乙方租赁期内,甲方承诺并负责监督、协调下述事宜:在本村区域内距乙方租赁土地的_____饲养场___公里范围内,甲方不得自建或把所辖土地租赁给他人建办养禽场,以防疫病的相互感染,进而影响乙方的生产,但是截至本协议签订之日已存在的养禽场除外;在租赁期限内,甲方确保,在乙方租赁土地的_____场周围___公里且属于本村区域的范围内不得再建造影响乙方生产和防疫的其他任何建筑设施。如果因甲方违反前述承诺,给乙方造成损失的,甲方必须赔偿乙方的全部损失。如果因甲方违反前述承诺导致本协议无法履行或本协议目的不能实现,乙方有权以书面通知方式解除本协议并且要求甲方赔偿乙方遭受的全部损失,包括本协议无法履行或本协议目的不能实现所遭受的预期利润损失。

  During the Lease Duration, Party A commits and undertakes to supervise and coordinate the following matters: except for the chicken farms existing on the execution date of this Agreement, for the sake of disease control to avoid threads to undermine Party B’s production, Party A should not build or lease the land under its control to any third party to build _____ farms within the area of ___ kilometer radius from Party B’s ____farm on the Lease Land within the village; During the Lease Duration, Party A shall ensure that no structure or building that affects Party B’s production and quarantine be built within the area, which belongs to the village of Party A and which is within ___ kilometer radius from Party B’s ___ farm on the Lease Land. If Party A breaches the aforesaid commitments causing losses to Party B, Party A shall compensate Party B for all the losses so suffered by Party B. If this Lease Agreement cannot be performed or the purpose of this Lease Agreement cannot be achieved due to Party A’s breach of the aforesaid commitments, Party B shall have the right to terminate this Lease Agreement by giving Party A a written notice and to request Party A to compensate Party B for all losses suffered by Party B, including the expected profits lost due to the failure of the performance of this Lease Agreement or the failure of the purpose of this Lease Agreement.
