

  八、本协议经甲乙双方盖章签字,经有关部门鉴证,且____建设项目经____省发改委批准立项、____省商务主管部门批准、乡(镇)人民政府同意并通过县级畜牧主管部门审核备案及县级国土部门备案后生效。本协议一式六份,甲、乙双方各执二份,甲方主管部门一份, ____备案一份。

  8. This Agreement will become effective after the Agreement is signed and affixed with the corporate seals by both Parties and authenticated by the related government departments as well as after the___ project is approved by the provincial development and reform commission of ___ Province for project listing and approved by the provincial department of commerce of ___ Province and consented to by the people’s government of the township (town), approved by and filed with the competent stockbreeding authority of the county and filed with the department of state-owned land and natural resources of the county. This Agreement will have six originals with each party holding two originals, Party A’s superior agency holding one original, and ____holding one for filing purpose.

  甲方:(公章)Party A: (chop) 乙方:( 公章 )Party B: (chop)

  代表:Representative: 代表:Representative:

  年 月 日Date: 年 月 日Date:

  附件:土地租赁补充协议Land Lease Supplement Agreement


  With the consensus and authorization of the farmers within the organization of Party A, Party A and Party B have signed “Land Lease Agreement” on_____. Now both parties agree to sign this Land Lease Supplement Agreement on anti-corruption matters as follows:

