

  (7). 在租赁期限内,如遇国家土地征用或市政府对土地的规划性调整情形,双方应予以服从和配合。此种情况下任何一方均不得追究对方的违约责任。有关部门因此而支付的土地补偿费归甲方支配和发放,但乙方在租赁土地上投资的建筑物、设施和设备所获的补偿费应归乙方所有。甲方有义务再为乙方协调落实新的租赁土地,以供乙方的搬迁使用。

  During the Lease Duration, if there is government land expropriation or rezoning, both parties should comply with such expropriation and rezoning and cooperate. No Party shall claim any breach liability against the other under such circumstance. The land compensation paid by the relevant government agencies for such event shall belong to Party A while the compensation for all the structures, facilities and equipment of Party B on the Lease Land shall belong to Party B. Party A shall have the obligation to coordinate to seek land for lease for Party B to relocate Party B’s properties.


  Both Party A and Party B shall follow the terms of this Lease Agreement. Should any party commit any breach of this Lease Agreement, the breaching party shall compensate the other Party for all losses so suffered.


  This Agreement is in both Chinese and English. In the event of any discrepancies between the two languages, the Chinese version shall prevail.


  For matters not covered by this agreement, the Parties may reach supplemental agreement through negotiation (supplemental agreement shall have equal legal effect as this agreement). Disputes should first be resolved by the Parties through negotiation. In case the negotiation fails, either Party may bring law suits before the ____court.
