五年级教案:Where are you fro(2)


  Lesson 93教学设计示例(二)

  Teaching Objectives

  The expressions of place.

Main Points

  1. New words: USA, Australia, Canada, UK, Japan, America, a little

  2. Sentence Patterns:

  (1)Where are you from?

  (2)Where do you com from

  Difficult Points

  How to use the Simple Present Tense correctly.

Teaching Aids

  a tape-recorder, the slide-showing, tapes, pictures, map

  Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Revision

  1. A duty report.

  2. Revise the days of the week and their spellings with the help of cards.

  3. Revise the dialogues in SB lesson92,Exx.3

Step 2 Presentation

  1.Teach Where’s Taiyuan? It’s in Shanxi.etc Divide the class into two halves and have a competition. Get the students to ask each other where the places are.

  2.SB Page 36, Part 1. Point to the countries and cities on the map of the world and say: This is Pairs. Then ask Where is Pairs? The students may answer in Chinese. Teach France and get the students to repeat after you . This part aims at giving students exposure to more English names of countries and cities in the world.

Step 3 Ask and answer

  1.Book closed! Teacher ask: Where’s David from? Where are Tom and Ann from? And play the tape. Check the answers .(David, USA; Tom and Ann, UK)

  2.Practise saying the names of countries by asking some students Where are you from? Tell them to use the name of a foreign country in their answer. Then ask the class Where’s he/ she from? What about him / her ?

Step 4 Presentation

  Tell the students about yourself. Say I’m from Beijing.(etc.) Ask students Where are you from? What about you ? Help them to answer, using the name of their own hometown.

Step 5 Listen, read and say

  Teacher play the tape, and students listen and repeat. Then students practise the dialogue in pairs. They talk about themselves in groups.

Step 6 workbook

  1. Do Ex. 1 with a student to demonstrate how to make the dialogue. Then get the students to work in pairs. Encourage them to use their own imagination and create different dialogues.

  2. For Ex.2, let the students read through the three short passages before they fulfill the task.


  1. Copy the new words.

  2. Finish off the Workbook exercises.
