



  1.知识目标:new words and grammer focus

  2.能力目标:talk about likes and dislikes freely.

  3.情感目标:to  be friendly to your friends.

  4.学习策略:practising and listening for specific information.

  5.文化目标:the differences between english food and chinese food.


  words and expressions.


  how to talk about likes and dislikes.


  let ss have more chances to practise.




  本课的主要情景是在快餐店谈论自己的喜好,面对各种各样的水果和食物,主要学习疑问句do you like bananas?以及如何应答他人的询问. yes, i do./no, i don't.会用i like…/i don't like…句型表达自己的爱好。教学重点是句型的听、说两会;教学难点是灵活运用所学句型完成各项任务。


task 1,导课可以用袋子装个汉堡包,让一个同学来猜

  t:guess. what's this? you can touch or smell it. it's very delicious.

  ss: it is a hamburger.

  t: i have a new fast food restaurant(课件呈现快餐店图片), you can find it here. let's go and have a look.(ok?)

  task 1.learn food names

  1.learn the english names for these food. look at it and tell us what you can see? you can answer in english or in chinese.(展示课件,让同学看书上图,说出他们知道的食物名称)

  2.let's come to the food counter.(通过课件学单词,每个图片下都有单词)画面出现一个橘子说orange,再出现多个橘子说orange.(之后呈现:banana, hamburger, pear, tomato, strawberry, french fries, broccoli, salad and ice cream)

  3.a guessing game.(一共10个标号的盒子,通过课件点击图片,让同学猜测里面是那种食物)学生分成4组进行比赛。回答正确的小组可以得到一张食物图片,并贴在黑板上。

  4.match the words with the things in the picture.(准备复印的纸,上面有10个单词和10幅图a-j)让同学用最短的时间完成连线,同时也给最快完成连线的小组在黑板上贴上一张食物图片作为奖励。这张纸也是下个环节的调查问卷。)

task 2, an interview.


  t:do you like bananas? ss: yes, i do. t: she likes bananas.

  t: do you like pears? ss: no, i don't. t: she doesn't like bananas.

  1.do an interview in pairs. do you like…?(用课件提供给学生应该使用的句型并用连线的纸单,进行两个的问答)(circle the food names your good friend likes.生成一份点菜单menu)

  2.t: i have two foreign friends. they are bill and bob. please help me find out what they like and don't like.(用课件呈现一张调查表,学生a和学生b的各有不同,两名同学互相提问,完成调查)

task 3.an employment.

  t: i want to find some good waters for my restaurant.还是以小组为单位,抢答,得分。(教师表演为同学服务的场景,表示业务忙想招聘服务员)

  test 1.listening

  t: listen and fill in the blanks. please tell me what you can hear.(课件内容为p32 2b)学生答完,集体对答案.

  test 2.memory.(考考你的记忆力)(课件)

  t: i say one sentence to see who can say it again first.“i like apples and i don't like pears.” this time you will use 2 minutes to make up sentences like me, then say yours out and let others listen and repeat.


  test 3. food survey.

  t: make a food survey in groups.(表格见课件)4人为一组,一名组长提问,一名同学为记录员。然后以组为单位汇报调查结果,通过三关测试,让小组推举出本组表现好的同学做本组waiter。带上领结,伴着乐曲为同学提供食品。

  task 4.enjoy yourselves.


  topic 1. who do you like?(teachers, parents, singer, film star)

  topic 2. which color do you like?

  topic 3. what sport do you like?

  topic 4. free topic.

  s1: hello!

  s2: hello! who are they?

  s1: they are my friends. she is rain, and he is jim.

  s2: nice to meet you!

  s3,s4: nice to meet you, too!

  s3: do you like hamhurgers?

  s1,s2: yes, we do.

  s4: let's go to the restaurant, ok?

  ss: ok! let's go.

  t: you can go on this step after class. it's your homework.goodbye class.

  ss: goodbye, teacher.



2.三年级英语上册Unit6 PartA课件






8.人教版七年级英语上册《What color is it?》课件
