Module10 Body Unit1 This is his head教案范文(2)




  1. 基本能听、读、说单词head, arm, hand, leg, foot, his,body

  2. 基本能听、读、说This is his ...句型描述自己或他人的身体部位。


  1.初步会用This is his….的语言结构描述他人的身体部位。

  2.能正确运用“Point to your….”的语言结构进行发令,并能够正确指出自己或他人的身体部位。




  1)Enable the students to use the sentence pattern freely: This is his head/hand/arm/leg/foot.

  2) Make the students master the pronunciation difference of head and hand, and the pronunciation of “this”


  Step1 Review and warming-up

  1.  Greeting.

  T:Class is begin.Stand up please! Good afternoon boys and girls.

  Ss: Good afternoon Ms tang.

  2.  Sing a songlease stand up!

  (设计意图:通过唱歌的形式活跃课堂气氛,让学生迅速将注意力集中到课堂,并复习Point to…句型)

  Step2 Presentation

  1、T:Today a boy comes here, he’s our good friend.Do you know what’s his name?


  T:Yes! His name is Amy.(拿出单词卡教授his)



  The teacher take the cards and say foot /fut/ foot foot foot ( 开火车读)

  leg /leg/ leg leg leg 小g 小g /g/ /g/ /g/

  arm/a:m/ arm arm arm /m/ 闭上嘴巴

  hand 口形大一点 head 口形小

  (教授单词过程中,在认读时注重发音尤其是head 和 hand 的发音区别。



  ⑴Game:I say, you do and I do, you say.

  T:Now, let’s play a game, OK?


  ①  T say, Ss do.T说身体部位的单词,Ss做动作,同桌相对而坐检查是否做对。

  ②  T do, Ss say.T做动作,Ss抢答相应部位的单词。


  head head  head

  hand hand  hand

  arm  arm arm

  leg leg  leg

  foot  foot foot


  Step3 Text

  1、Listen to the text.

  T:Today Da Ming goes to the park and meets Panpan.Listen to the text and let’s see what happen to them. Now, just listen.(放课文flash,听课文)

  2、Listen again and follow it.

  3、Read the text after the teacher.

  4、Read it by themselves.

  5、Role play.女生扮演大明,男生扮演盼盼,表演课文。


  Step4 Practice

  1、请同学们分成4人小组练习用This is his/her…来描述身体部位,分别请几组同学到讲台上来,扮演对话。

  2、Introduce father Christmas


  Step5 Summry and Homework

  T:Today we have learned…

  Ss:Head,arm, hand,leg,foot…

  T:Yes! So today’s homework is:

  Use these new words to introduce your good friend to your family.
