六年级下册Lesson10《 Always Brush Your Teeth》的优秀教案(2)


  Review the phrases such as “eat breakfast , get up , wash …hands , wash …face , brush …teeth , comb …hair ”

  Step3 : Demonstrate: Draw three clocks to show :

  6:45 7:00 7:15

  7:00 I want to eat breakfast at 7:00.

  6:45 Before I eat breakfast , I brush my teeth .

  7:15 After I eat breakfast , I go to school .


  T : Let’s repeat ,before and after .

  Can you say some sentences with these two words ?

  Practice in groups . Show


  Play the audiotape and read the dialogue , check up understanding .

  Show the exercises : Listen and order

  ( ) Jenny wakes up .

  ( ) Jenny brushes her teeth .

  ( ) Jenny eats breakfast .

  ( ) Jenny washes her face and hands .

  ( ) Jenny combs her hair .

  ( ) Jenny goes to school .

  设计意图: 在听的过程中为小朋友预留了任务,符合英语课标中提倡的任务型教学,并且能引导同学注意听得重点内容,为他的学习提供了方向。

  (三)Class closing

  Activity Book : No 2 Listen .Answer the questions .



  1、weak---- 2. sick--- 3. this--- 4. that---

  5.near--- 6.quiet--- 7.fast--- 8. before---


  1. How often do you go to school ?

  2. How often do you wash your face ?  3、 What do you do before you eat breakfast ?

  4、 What do you do after you eat supper ?


  1.洗脸 2、刷牙 3、梳头 4、吃早饭

上一篇:六年级下册Lesson4《Where did you go?》的优秀教案下一篇:成语山长水远的意思