pep 2 unit 5A lets learn优秀教案范文(2)


  (4) 让同学边做边说:“taxi, taxi(升调)taxi(降调),drive the taxi.”抽读。

  2. 教学jeep,导入,认读,操练。

  (1) t: taxi, taxi(升调)taxi(降调),drive the taxi. i can drive the taxi. and i also can drive the jeep.(出示图片, 领读)

  (2) 单个读操练,注意读音:(出示单词卡)同学跟读, (ee /i:/-﹥jeep),开火车读。

  (3) 升降调读: 做动作口形提醒,开火车读。

  (4) t: let’s drive the jeep. “jeep(升调)jeep(降调),drive the jeep”(老师不出声,做动作提示)然后抽同学做做说说:“jeep, jeep(升调)jeep(降调),drive the jeep”。

  3. 复习taxi、jeep,导入bus,教学。

  (1) 认读复习taxi、jeep,再由打招呼引入bus,教学。

  t: hello, taxi. hello, jeep.(又要跟说) hello, bus. (出示图片, 领读)

  (2) 单个读操练,注意读音:(出示单词卡)同学跟读, ( /a/ -﹥bus),开火车读。

  (3) 升降调读: 做动作口形提醒,开火车读。

  (4) t: drive the bus. i can’t drive the bus. but i go to school by bus.(出示ic卡,做动作,引出chant)

  让同学边做边说:“bus, bus(升调)bus(降调), by bus.”

  (5) 提升难度练习(抽2-3个同学)

  t:do you go to school by bus?

  s:yes, i go to school by bus. /no, i don’t.

  4. 导入bike,教学。

  (1) t:do you go to school by bike?(出示bike图)(同学能回答的,奖励)

  (2) 单个读操练,注意读音:(出示单词卡)同学跟读, ( /ai/-﹥bike, byebye bike),开火车读。

  (3) 升降调读: 做动作口形提醒,开火车读。

  (4) 让同学边说边做:“bike, bike(升调)bike(降调),by bike”
