

  story is manipulated in such a way that we as readers fell that Hawthorne poses the question of Good and Evil in man but withholds his answer, and he does not permit hismself to determin whether the events of the night of trail are real or the mere figment of a dream.

  薄冰英语语法 第八章 被动语态

  第八章 被动语态

  8.1 语态的含义和种类


  英语的语态分为主动语态(active voice)和被动语态(passive voice)。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。如:

  (1)Yesterday! I parked my car outside the school. 昨天我把我的汽车停在学校外边。


  (2)A sound of piano is heard in the adjoining room. 听到邻居房间里有钢琴声。



  (3)Xiao Wang, you are wanted in the office. 小王,办公室有事找你。

  (4)I am not so easily deceived. 我不是轻易上当受骗的。


  (5)I was invited to the concert. 我应邀参加了音乐会。

  (6)Our house was built in 1969. 我们家的房子建于1969年。


  (7)We hope that an agreement will be arrived at. 我们希望会达成一项协议。

  (8)This matter will be looked into in the future. 这件事将来是要查明的。


  (9)He said that the bridge would be built next year. 他说这座桥明年将建成。

  (10)Another half-hour and all doors would be locked—all lights extinguished. 再过半小时,所有的门都要上锁—所有的灯都要熄灭。


  (11)My car has been repaired. 我的汽车已修好了。

  (12)The party has been planned since the new year. 这聚会自新年起就已筹划了。


  (13)The portieres that hung across the folding doors had been taken down for the summer. 折门上面的门帘夏天已经取下来。

  (14)Tootie looked at the lanterns that had been lighted and placed near the opening. 图蒂望着那些已经点着并放在洞口附近的提灯。


  (15)The new books will have been entered in the register before another parcel arrives. 这些新书在下一批书到来前将登记完毕。

  (16)This class will have been taught by Mr. Brown for two years by next summer. 到明年夏天,这个班将由布朗先生教毕二年了。


  (17)The headmaster said the article would been completed translated by six o’clock. 校长说这篇文章将在6点钟以前翻译完毕。

  (18)He said that the bridge would have been completed before July. 他说这桥将于7月前完成。


  (19)This question is being discussed at the meeting. 这个问题正在会上讨论。

  (20)The children are being taken care of by their aunt. 孩子们现在正由姑母照看着。


  (21)When I called, tea was being served. 我来拜访时,正值上茶之际。

  (22)With his fingers, he gently searched the crown and brim of his hat to be sure it wasn’t being crushed. 他用手指轻轻地摸找帽顶和帽边,以肯定它没有被压坏。

  [注一]完成进行时态一般不用被动语态。它们的被动意义可用完成时态来表示,如He has been being examined.(他已被考过。)一般应代之以He has been examined。将来进行时与过去将来进行时一般也不用被动语态。其被动意义可用一般时态来表示,如He will be being examined while we are there.(他将在我们在那里时被考。)可代之以He will be examined while we are there。



  (23)Hundreds of people get killed every year by traffic on the roads. 每年都几百人死于道路交通事故。

  (24)The boy got hurt on his way to school. 这男孩在上学的路上受伤了。


  (25)This must be done as soon as possible. 这件事必须尽快做。

  (26)What’s done cannot be undone. 覆水难收。

  (27)These stairs are very dangerous. They should be repaired. 这楼梯很危险,应该修理了。

  (28)Cross the road very carefully. Look both ways, or you might be knocked down. 过马路要非常小心,要看两边,不然会被车撞倒的。


  (29)Many interesting experiments are carried out in our laboratory. 我们实验室做了许多有趣的实验。

  (30)Boxing was gone in for here in the early 1950s. 20世纪50年代初期,这里拳击很盛行。


  (31)Mess had been made of the house. 家里乱作一团。(主动句是:The owner had made mess of the house.)

  (32)Good use is made of the library. 这图书馆的利用率很高。(主动句是:They make good use of the library.)



  1)“主+ 谓+宾”句型变为被动语态时,先将主动结构中的宾语变为被动结构中的主语(宾语如为人称代词,须将宾格变为主格);然后将主动结构中谓语动词的主动语态变为被动语态;最后在谓语动词的被动语态之后加by,再将主动结构中的主语置于介词by之后(如为人称代词,须将其主格变为宾格)。如:

  (1)Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. 亚历山大?格雷厄姆?贝尔于1876年发明了电话。(主动结构)

  (2)The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. 电话是亚历山大?格雷厄姆?贝尔于1876年发明的。(被动结构)
