

  2016年03月23日,因病医治无效去世,享年91岁。 强悍、充满斗志甚至偏执的强人远去,我们一起来回顾一下他冷硬如刀丶直指人心的箴言。

  李光耀谈媒体 【没有新闻就是好新闻】



  I have always thought it strange that a country figures prominently in the world press mainlywhen it is in

  troubleNobody in the rest of the world heard much about Singapore until it was captured by theJapanese in 1942 or

  again until there were riots in 1955 and 1956 in the course of one of which two members of yourfraternity were killed. I have e to believe that, so far as the foreign press is concerned, no news is good news.

  Speech at Foreign Correspondents Association, 16th Sep, 1959

  关於国际领袖 【谁最伟大?】


  ──《李光耀对话录》(Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew )汤姆.普雷特(Tom Plate)著

  I would say the greatest was Deng Xiaoping. At his age, to admit that he was wrong, that all theseideas, Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, they are just not working and have to be abandoned, you needa great man to do that

  - Tom Plates Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew


