

  【On Deng Xiaoping (again)】 Deng Xiao Ping is a great man because he changed China froma broken-backed state, which wouldhave imploded like the Soviet Union, into what it is today, on the way to being the worldslargest economy.

  - Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going



  【On Xi Jinping】 I would put him in Nelson Mandelas class of persons. A person with enormous emotional stabilitywho does not allow his personal misfortunes or sufferings to affect his judgement. In other words,he is impressive.

  - TIME Nov 19, 2007

  【谈美国人】 美国人是了不起的传教士,他们有一股难以压抑的冲动,要别人改变信仰。──《李光耀才智名人名言录》(1992年) 【On Americans】

  The Americans are great missionaries. They have an irrepressible urge to convert others.

  - 1992, The Wit Wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew 【最伟大的美国总统是?】

  如果没有水门事件,我认为是理查尼克森(Richard Nixon)。他的世界观很务实,分析力很强,实事求是,还精於谋略,把事情办好。但他凡事过问的性格,加上极希望连任,令他为人变得过於执着。──《李光耀对话录》(Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew )

  汤姆.普雷特(Tom Plate)著 【On thegreatest US President that heve seen】

  But for the misfortune of Watergate, I would say Richard Nixon. He had a realistic view of theworld. He was a great analyst, realistic, but also a tactician to get things done. But this need withwanting to know everything and to make sure he got re-elected became obsessive.

  - Tom Plates Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew 【最差劲的美国总统是?】 我的名字是吉米.卡特(Jimmy Carter),我是种花生的,现在竞选总统。然後,他就当了总统!  ──《李光耀对话录》(Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew )

  汤姆.普雷特(Tom Plate)著 【On the worst US President】 my name is Jimmy Carter, Im a peanut farmer, Im running for president. The next thing youknow, he was the president! - Tom Plates Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew


  我不认为他是第二差的总统。我觉得小布什的顾问分析事物过於悲观布什自知经验不足,了解自己是一种美德。──《李光耀对话录》(Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew ) 汤姆.普雷特(Tom Plate)著
