


  一、语音 (6分) 下列各组单词中,有一个单词划线部分的读音与其他三个单 词划线部分的读音不同,找出该单词,中考英语模拟试题 (九)。 [ ]1.A.politics B.pocket C.solid D.political [ ]2.A.ever B.clever C.fever D.never [ ]3.A.person B.peasant C.prison D.present [ ]4.A.last B.matter C.hat D.manage [ ]5.A.idea B.breath C.bread D.death [ ]6.A.radios B.balls C.stories D.books

二、词语释义 (8分) 从右栏中找出与左栏内词语意义相近的解释,将其字母代号填入括号。 [ ]1.reach A.go down [ ]2.almost B.happen [ ]3.immediately C.nearly [ ]4.sink D.get to [ ]5.hurry up E.at last [ ]6.complete F.right away [ ]7.take place G.finish [ ]8.finally H.be quick

 三、翻译词组 (5分) 从下列各句划线部分的三种译文中找出正确的一个。 [ ]1.Last Sunday we had great fun. A.极有趣 B.大玩笑 C.滑稽 [ ]2.She had to sell newspapers to make a living. A.生活 B.谋生 C.沿着 [ ]3.Finally I found out he was wrong. A.弄清楚 B.想出来 C.拿出来 [ ]4.Go over the lessons after class. A.翻过去 B.走上前去 C.复习 [ ]5.I had finished reading the novel by then. A.到那时 B.在那时 C.从那时起

 四、选择填空 (20分) 从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择正确的一项。 [ ]1.They sent the parcel to me ______ mistake. A.for B.by C.on D.in [ ]2.When summer comes, we often help peasants ______ the crops. A.get on B.get in C.get into D.get back [ ]3.Don't let the fire ______, there is plenty of wood. A.sent out B.get out C.work out D.go out [ ]4.You had a good time last Sunday, ______? A.had you B.didn't you C.did you D.weren't you [ ]5.Liu Lin ______ home already. A.returned to B.has returned C.hasn't returned D.was returning [ ]6.Walk along the rails, there is a small town about four miles ______. A.before B.front C.ahead D.far [ ]7.The sun is much ______ away. A.far B.farther C.near D.wearer [ ]8."L" is the ______ letter in the English alphabet. A.twelveth B.twelvth C.twelfeth D.twelfth [ ]9.Because the stars are very far away from us, they ______ small. A.turn B.because C.are D.look [ ]10.He was putting his heart ______ his work. He didn't hear the knock at the door and was very sorry ____ it. A.in, with B.on, at C.into, about D.over, about [ ]11.______ teaches ______ English? A.Which teacher, the B.Who, an C.What teacher, you D.Who, you [ ]12.He's sent you some stamps, ______ he? A.wasn't B.hasn't C.doesn't D.isn't [ ]13.March 8 is ______. A.Women's Day B.the Women Day C.a Woman's Day D.the Women's Day [ ]14.What would you ______ to eat tonight? A.wish B.want C.like D.hope [ ]15."Must I leave at once?" "No, you ______." A.needn't B.don't C.mustn't D.can't [ ]16.John didn't pass the exam because he didn't study as hard as he ______. A.does B.used to C.has D.had [ ]17.The children asked whether they ______ go for a swim. A.were able to B.can C.could D.may [ ]18.______ the medicine three times a day, ______ you'll soon ______ well. A.Take, and, get B.Have, or, seem C.Eat, and, turn D.Drink, or, become [ ]19.How well ______! A.the shoes fit B.do he shoes fit C.the shoes are fitted D.the shoes fits [ ]20."Who's taken my pencil-box?" "______." A.John is B.John has C.John does D.John was
