

七、词汇 (14分) (A)根据要求写出下列各词的相应形式。 1.wind(形容词)______ 2.lie(过去分词)______ 3.pay(过去式)______ 4.little(比较级)______ 5.our(宾格)______ 6.happy(副词)______ 7.six(序数词)______ 8.tooth(复数)______ 9.full(反义词)______ 10.high(同义词)______

  (B)根据所给音标写出单词。 1.She is my ______ ['m)J+]. 2.We must learn a kind of ______ ['f&rin] language. 3.I want to ______ [fiks] my radio. 4.I will wash my ______ [kl+uJz] this afternoon.

 八、句型转换 (8分) 按要求完成下列各句。 1.That is a tomato.(改成复数形式) ___________________________________________. 2.Have you any paper?(作肯定回答) _________, I ____________. 3.Our school had a sports meet last Friday.(改成否定句) Our school _________ _________ a sports meet last Friday. 4.Mr. White will come to China, _______ _______?(完成反意疑问句) 5.We stayed home over the weekend.(就划线部分提问) __________ _________ __________ __________ over the weekend? 6.It is a beautiful picture.(改成感叹句) _____________ a beautiful picture __________ ___________! 7.The woman is too old to take care of herself.(改为复合句) ________________________________. 8.Will you repair your bike?(改成被动语态) Will your bike ___________ ____________?

 九、用动词的适当形式填空 (7分) 1.A new school ______ (build) in our town next year. 2.Mum told me if it ______ (not snow), we would go to the movies the next day. 3.Li Ying often ______ (watch) TV in the evening. 4.______ you ______ (like) swimming? 5.When I came in, they ______ (sing) an English song. 6.We ______ (study) English for three years. 7.A recorder ______ (often use) is our English class.

十、改错 (12分) 下列句子均有一处划线部分是错的,请找出并改正。 1.Our physics[A] teacher has told us that[B] light travelled[C] faster than sound[D]. 2.Much[A] attention should pay[B] to[C] the pronunciation of[D] these words. 3.When we heard[A] what he had said[B], we could not[C] help to laugh[D]. 4.Shanghai is one of[A] the large[B] cities[C] in[D] the world. 5.It[A] is important for us[B] to be kept[C] the balance of nature[D]. 6.You are too late[A] because[B] they have left[C] at least[D] for an hour or so. 7.Mr Smith asked[A] his daughter that[B] her[C] teacher was very strict with[D] her. 8.The smile on[A] the pianist's[B] face made her feel[C] happily[D]. 9.My uncle has worked[A] in an union[B] there[C] for over[D] ten years. 10.Though it[A] was snowing[B] hard[C], but they still went on working[D] outside. 11.In[A] winter when[B] clothes are washed[C], they do not dry easy[D]. 12.It was a hard[A] fight. Everyone[B] was killed[C] in the fight though Tom wasn't[D].
