


  Now almost 70 years old, I live at Peking University in its Langrun Garden, which is itself a scenic attraction. To brag a bit, I would describe it as having lush bushes and slender bamboo with streams running merrily around several tiny hills. The scene is exquisitely beautiful.


  A couple of years ago, I had the pleasure of spending a summer vacation in Mt. Lushan, one of the best summer resorts in China. Back in Peking together with one of my old friends, he exclaimed at the sight of Langrun Garden, "Oh, with such a beautiful place to live in, why should you have gone to Mt. Lushan for vacation?" His words testified to the beauty of the Garden, which boasts of hills, streams, trees, bamboo, flowers, and birds.


  On a night with the full moon in the sky, the Garden is certainly an ideal place to appreciate the poetic beauty seen in the vast sky where the moon hangs, the lush trees where sleepy birds sing, and the tranquil ponds where lotuses send out a delicate fragrance. The much-coveted sight of "moonlight over a lotus-covered pond" is right next to my room window. Whoever comes to my home will be delighted to see it.

  然而,每值这样的良辰美景,我想到的却仍然是故乡苇坑里的那个平凡的小月亮。见月思乡,已经成为我经常的经历。思乡之病,说不上是苦是乐,其中有追忆,有惘怅,有留恋,有惋惜。流光如逝,时不再来。在微苦中实有甜美在。  On such beautiful nights, however, I will think of the ordinary moon over the pond in my home village. Indeed, seeing the moon never fails to make me think of my home village. It is hard to say if nostalgia—a malady, isn't it?—brings one sweetness or bitterness. As it is, nostalgia is filled with fond memories, anxieties, regrets, or even pain. Time, once gone, is gone forever. Ultimately, nostalgia is sweet with a touch of bitterness.


  Bright is the moon over my home village. When can I see that moon again? As I look southward, my heart flies there.
