


  King: Who?re you talking to?


  ALS: It?s a friend of mine: a Cheshire cat. 爱丽丝:那是我的一个朋友,柴郡猫。

  N:When the queen heard that cat talking,then she said, 当皇后听到那只猫的说话,然后就说, Queen: I didn?t like it .catch it! 皇后:我不喜欢它,抓住它!

  N: But the cat suddenly vanished. The Queen tried to find it but she couldn?t.


  Queen: I?m so angry! I will kill Alice right now!If you don?t come out. 皇后:我太生气了!我现在杀了爱丽丝,如果你不出来. ALS: NO!NO! 爱丽丝:不!不!


  Alice?s sister: Wake up, Alice ,You?ve been asleep a long time! 爱丽丝的姐姐:醒醒,爱丽丝,你睡了很久了!

  Alice: Oh, my sister? I've had a very strange dream~ 爱丽丝:姐姐?我做了一个非常奇怪的梦……

  Alice?s sister: It?s just a dream . It?s not true. 爱丽丝的姐姐:它只是一个梦.不是真的. Alice: NO,it is really real ,it seems like a real world . 爱丽丝:不,它真的很真,好像真实的世界. Alice: I want to go back home,sister. 爱丽丝:我想回家,姐姐

  Alice?s sister: ok ,pick up your book ,let?s go,go,go! 爱丽丝的姐姐:好的,拿起你的书,一起回家吧!

  Thank you
