阿三: What’s your name, please? Hero.
太子丹(毕恭毕敬)May I have your name, please?
宁 在 花 下 死, 作 鬼 也 风 流。
Even dying under the flower, Also happy as a ghost.
Happy prince of the gost
太子丹(抱拳):How do you do
荆柯:How do you do.
阿三:Hero, wait for a moment. I have a problem which needs your help。
太子丹:You can gain a lot of things.
太子丹(从衣兜里掏出一张卡片): Here is a card for traveling all over the world for free, please accept it please, hero.
太子丹(慌了):I must use the last way. Ladies and gentlemen. This is Miss Huang!
荆柯(站直,厉声道):Great man, both born and die for his motherland. I am not the guy who just wants money and beauty. What shall I do? Prince, just say it out. But this lady……
太子丹:No problem.
第三幕:Say goodbye in Yishui River(易水别)
阿三:We have already reached Yishui River.
荆珂:Please just stop here. Goodbye.
太子丹:Hero, Let me see you off a little further
荆珂:What a boring guy. If you walk a little further, then you will go to Qin instead of me
太子丹:Well. Goodbye. Hero. Here is the map and the head of Fan Yuqi, so as to get trust of the king