

  孩子们:Sorry! Dad!

  大女儿:We don’t like her.

  其他孩子:Yes! Dad, We don’t like her at all.

  将军:Shut up! Can’t you be quiet? Get out of here , go back to your room and don’t talk any more. Attention! Turn left! Go!


  管家:Captain! We should invite another teacher.

  将军:Yes! We should. You do that for me.

  管家:Yes! Sir!



  玛丽亚:(提着行李,作失魂状,敲门)Hello! Any body home?

  管家:(管家出场,开门,问)Yes! I’m coming! Who’s that?

  玛丽亚:My name is Maria. Is this Captain’s home? I’m the new teacher here.

  管家:OK! Nice to meet you . Come in, please.

  玛丽亚:Nice to meet you too! Thanks a lot!

  管家:Captain! The new teacher is here.


  管家:(向将军介绍)Captain! This is Maria. Our new teacher. And this is Captain.

  将军:OK! Maria. As you know I’m a captain. I hope you will be strict to the children as I do. This is the signal. 吹哨,孩子们列队出来。Boys and girls! This is your new teacher. You should obbey the teacher’s order. Understand? Now introduce yourself to the teacher.

  大女儿:I’m Liesl.

  大儿子:My name is Friedrich.

  二女儿:I’m Louisa.

  三女儿:I’m Brigitta.

  小儿子:My name is Kurt.

  四女儿:I’m Marta.

  小女儿:Hello! My name is Gretl. Nice to meet you.  (孩子们除自我介绍外,对于玛丽亚不理不睬,只有小女儿可爱地回应玛丽亚 Nice to meet you.)

  将军:OK! Boys and girls. I’m being off for a while. You should listen to the teacher and follow. Don’t be naughty. (将军下)




