

  Carmen: Of course you did.

  Bridget: We ate every single bit of that pizza in like 10 minutes.

  Tibby: Yeah.

  Bridget: And we were laughing the whole time. It was great. I remember thinking that maybe there won't be any more bad spells. Maybe she'll just be happy like this forever.

  Carmen: It's okay to miss her, Bee. I mean, as hard as it is to be sad about it, don't you think maybe it's harder not to be?

  Bridget: You don't understand.

  Tibby: Bridge...

  Bridget: I can't. It hurts too much.

  Carmen: I know.

  Bridget: No, you don't know. I just want to feel good and happy and alive. Because...if I feel alive...then it doesn't seem like she's dead. And if I'm not sad...then it proves that I'm not like her.

  Carmen: Bee, you don't have to prove that to anybody. I mean, you have a strength in you that your mom never had. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't find it.

  Tibby: Yeah, and you have something else too.

  Bridget: What?

  Tibby: You have us. And we're not gonna let you go anywhere, okay?

  Bridget: Thank you.

  Carmen: Come here.


  1.loser:失败者。这个词在口语中很常用。例如:You're a sore loser.(你是个输不起的人。)

  2.count for more than:比……有价值。count for much是“很有价值”,count for nothing是“没有价值”,count for little是“很少价值”。

  3.junk food:垃圾食品。

  4.sleepover:在朋友家过夜,在外过夜。动词形式是sleep over。

  5. crust:糕饼(尤指馅饼)酥皮。

  6.spell:(疾病等的)一阵发作。例如:a dizzy spell(一阵头晕);a spell of coughing(一阵咳嗽)。spell也可以表示“(某种天气的)一段持续时间”,例如:a cold spell(一阵寒潮)。
