

  HARLOWE Keep it up, both of you. Just keep it up. We won’t need a bomb. We can slaughter each other.

  MRS. WEISS (pleading) Marty, go down to Bill’s shelter again. Ask him---

  WEISS I’ve already asked him. It wouldn’t do any good.

  Once again the siren sounds and the people seem to move closer together, staring up toward the night sky. Off in the distance we see searchlights.

  HARLOWE Searchlights. It must be coming closer.

  HENDERSON (as he suddenly pushes HARLOWE aside and heads for the steps) I’m going down there and get him to open up that door. I don’t care what the rest of you think. That’s the only thing left to do.

  MAN #1 He’s right. Come on, let’s do it.


  GRACE is holding tight to PAUL. STOCKTON stands close to the door listening to the noises from outside as they approach. There’s a pounding on the shelter door that reverberates.


  HENDERSON Bill? Bill Stockton? You’ve got a bunch of your neighbors out here who want to stay alive. Now open the door and talk to us and figure out with us how many can come in there. Or else you can just keep doing what you’re doing---and we’ll fight our way in there.

  HARLOWE appears and pushes his way through the group and goes over to the shelter door.

  HARLOWE Bill. This is Jerry. They mean business out here.

  STOCKTON’S VOICE And I mean business in here. I’ve already told you, Jerry. You’re wasting your time. You’re wasting precious time that could be used for something else…like figuring out how you can survive.

  MAN #1 Why don’t we get a big, heavy log to break the door down?

  HENDERSON We could go over to Bennett Avenue. Phil Kline has some giant logs in his basement. I’ve seen them. Let’s get one. And we’ll just tell Kline to keep his mouth shut as to why we want it.

  WEISS Let’s get hold of ourselves. Let’s s
