

  top and think for a minute---

  HENDERSON (turning to face WEISS) Nobody cares what you think. You or your kind. I thought I made that clear upstairs. I think the first order of business is to get you out of here.

  With this he strikes out, smashing his fist into WEISS’s face in a blow so unexpected and so wild that WEISS, totally unprepared, is knocked against the wall. His wife screams and, still holding the baby, rushes to him. There’s a commotion as several men try to grab the neighbor and HARLOWE is immediately at WEISS’s side trying to help him to his feet. Once again the sirens blast.

  HENDERSON (shouts over the noise and commotion) Come on, let’s get something to smash this door down.

  They start out of the cellar toward the steps.


  STOCKTON slowly turns to face his wife. The angry screaming cries of the people ring in their ears even as they depart.

  GRACE( looks up) Bill? Who were those people?

  STOCKTON (turning to stare toward the door) “ Those people?” Those are our neighbors, Grace. Our friends. The people we’ve lived with and alongside for twenty years. (then in a different fixed expression and in a different tone) Come on, Paul. Let’s put stuff up against this door. Everything we can.

  The man and boy then start to pile up a barricade, using furniture, the generator, books, any movable object they can get their hands on.


  The mob marches down the street carrying a large heavy log that is perhaps fifteen feet long. Their own shouts mix with the sound of the intermittent siren and with the voice of the announcer on the Conelad station.

  ANNOUNCER’S VOICE We’ve been asked to once again remind the population that they are to remain calm, stay off the streets. This is urgent. Please remain off the streets. Everything possible is being done in the way of protection. But the military and important civil defense vehicles must have the streets clear. So you are once again reminded to remain off the streets. Remain off the streets!
