

  There’s a murmur of voices, a few half-hearted nods, but they’re all still in a state of shock.

  HARLOWE I don’t think Marty’s going to hold it against you. (then turning to STOCKTON) I just hope Bill won’t hold this---(he points to the wreckage around him) against us. We’ll pay for the damage, Bill. We’ll take up a collection right away.

  As STOCKTON walks past them across the cellar and up toward the stairs, all eyes are on him and there’s an absolute dead silence.

  WEISS (his voice shaky and nervous) We could… we could have a block party or something tomorrow night. A big celebration. I think we deserve one now.

  He looks around smiling at the others, a nervous smile born of a carry-over of fear and the realization that something has taken hold of all of them now. Something deadening in its effect and disquieting beyond words.

  STOCKTON takes a step on the stairs then stops and turns back toward them. His face is expressionless.

  HARLOWE (with phony laughter desperately trying to relieve situation) Block party’s not a bad idea. (looking around at others) Anything to get back to normal.

  STOCKTON (looks from face to face and slowly shakes his head) Normal? (a pause) I don’t know. I don’t know what “normal” is. I though I did, but I don’t any more.

  HARLOWE I told you we’d pay for the damages---

  STOCKTON (stairs at him) The damages? (he nods) I wonder if we realize just what those damages are? (he looks from face to face again) Maybe the worst of them was finding out just what we’re like when we’re normal. The kind of people we are. Just underneath the surface. I mean all of us. A lot of naked animals who attach such great importance to staying alive that they claw their neighbors to death just for the privilege. (he leans against the stairway wall, suddenly desperately tired, very softly

  as he turns away from them) We were spared a bomb tonight… but I wonder if we weren’t destroyed even without it.  He continues up the steps.


  Story-teller-------------------许珊珊 Announcer’s voice---------吴雅文

  Dr. Stockton (Bill) --------- 刘诗昌 Grace Stockton--------------张清

  Henderson------------------- 张华 Mrs. Henderson--------------王澈

  Marty Weiss----------------- 厉杰 Mrs. Weiss-------------------王俊美

  Jerry Harlowe--------------- 傅正伟 Mrs. Harlowe---------------朱丽娜

  Man #1----------------------季立峰
