

  The minute the mob gathers before the STOCKTON house, they smash into it, carrying the giant log. They move down the cellar steps. As the log smashes into the shelter door, the siren goes up louder and more piercing and it is at this moment that we see both WEISS and HARLOWE join the men on the heavy log to lend their support to it.


  STOCKTON and GRACE lean against it as it starts to give under the weight, under the pressure. The air is filled with angry shouts, the intermittent siren, the cries of women and children.


  And it all reaches one vast pitch just as the door is forced open. PAUL and STOCKTON are pushed back into the shelter and just at this moment the lights go on in the basement. The siren also reaches its top and then suddenly goes off and there is absolute dead silence for a long moment. Then from the portable radio in th

  e corner comes.

  ANNOUNCER’S VOICE This is Conelrad. This is Conelrad. Remain turned for an important message. Remain turned for an important message. (a pause) The President of the United States has just announced that the previously unidentified objects have now been definitely identified as being satellites. Repeat. There are no enemy missiles approaching. The objects have been identified as satellites. They are harmless and we are in no danger. Repeat. We are in no danger. The state of emergency has officially been called off. We are in no danger. Repeat. There is no enemy attack. There is no enemy attack.

  MRS. WEISS (her eyes closed and crying softly) Thank God. Oh, thank God.

  WEISS (in a whisper, his face bruised and blood clotted) Amen to that.

  HENDERSON Hey, Marty…Marty…I went crazy. You understand that, don’t you? I just went crazy. I didn’t mean all the things I said. (he wets his lips, his voice shaking) We were all of us…we were so scared…so confused. (he holds out his hands in a gesture) Well, it’s no wonder really, is it? I mean… well, you can understand why we blew our tops a little---
