



  人物:(先上)蒙太诺Montano;罗德利哥Roderigo,苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona, 爱米利娅Emilia。军官甲 First Gentleman,

  (后上)奥瑟罗Othello伊阿古Iago, 卡西奥Cassio,军官乙Second Gentleman



  Aside: The former governor Montano, Lieutenant [lef'tennt] Cassio, Desdemona and her servant Emilia, and soldiers and local residents on the island are gathering on the harbour of Cyprus to wait and welcome their general Othello who just fought a battle on the sea. It is at dusk, there are lightning accompanied by claps of thunder on the sea. Everyone is worried and praying for their general.

  蒙太诺Montano :Can you see any ship at sea?

  罗德利哥Roderigo:Nothing, sir! What a heavy fog! I can’t see anything.

  苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona:I hope every thing goes well, god blesses my lord.——Othello.

  爱米利娅Emilia:Oh, Lady, don’t worry, god blesses good man.

  罗德利哥Roderigo : Look! A ship.

  爱米利娅Emilia:Look, that is Othello! Our new governor——Thank goodness!

  (奥瑟罗Othello伊阿古Iago, 卡西奥Cassio,军官乙Second Gentleman上)


  奥瑟罗Othello: Ha ha ha ha! Good News, Gentlemen! The war is over. The Turks had to give up their attacking plan; their ships were destroyed by the storm.

  蒙太诺Montano: I am glad to hear that, it is a worthy governor.

  奥瑟罗Othello: Oh! My deer!

  苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona:Oh! My lord!

  奥瑟罗Othello: Wine! Let’s have a drink.



  伊阿古Iago: My deer friend Rodrigo, what are you thinking about?

  罗德利哥Rodrigo: I want to drown myself.

  伊阿古Iago: Stupid, you want to kill yourself just for a woman.

  罗德利哥Rodrigo: I don’t care about anything, even my life.

  伊阿古Iago: I know you love Desdemona; I’m your honest friend. I will help you with my wisdom. I promise this woman will be yours. I hate Othello, do you know why? Look, there, that handsome gentlemen, he took my place, I should be assistant general, but he is.


  伊阿古Iago: Hi, Cassio, come, have a drink.

  卡西奥Cassio: Sorry, man, I can not drink any more.

  伊阿古Iago : Come on, just a cup.

  卡西奥Cassio : No, I have drunk a lot.

  伊阿古Iago : Please, for Othello and Desdemona.

  伊阿古Iago (to Rodrigo) let him drink as much as he can, then he will be dazed.

  罗德利哥Rodrigo: Why?

  伊阿古Iago : Just do it, ok? Trust me, I’m helping you.

  (To Cassio) Come on, my friend; moisten ['moisn] your throat, and drink it with the songs.

  卡西奥Cassio : Oh, it tastes not too bad, it make me dazed.

  伊阿古Iago (to Rodrigo) He is deeply drunk, now, inflame his anger, you know how to do it.


  罗德利哥Rodrigo: Man, get out of my way.


  罗德利哥Rodrigo : I said you are a fool.

  卡西奥Cassio: Can you say it again?

  罗德利哥Rodrigo :You are a rogue! You are a rascal!

  (At that time, Montano is coming)

  蒙太诺Montano :What’s up? Gentlemen, calm down.

  卡西奥Cassio: No one can stop me, sir. ( 拔剑,蒙太诺赶紧上前阻拦,卡斯奥把剑一挥,伤了蒙太诺的胳膊。蒙太诺亦拔剑,二人打了起来)

  伊阿古Iago :Oh, blood, help, they are fighting. General, come on.

  (To Rodrigo) Away, I say; go out.

  奥瑟罗Othello: What is the matter here? Hold, for your lives!

  蒙太诺Montano :O, I bleed still; I am hurt to the death.

  奥瑟罗Othello: Why, Turks didn’t beat us, but you beat each other, why? Honest Iago, look at your gray faces. Speak, who began this?

  伊阿古Iago : I do not know, just now they are good friends, and they look like bride and groom; but now— I don’t know why, they beat each other.

  奥瑟罗Othello: Cassio, you have forgot your duty, you make me so disappointed.

  卡西奥Cassio: I pray you, pardon me; I cannot speak.

  奥瑟罗Othello: My respected Montano, I know you are a stable man, and you always have a good fame, but why you spent your fame to do that? Can you give me answer to it?

  蒙太诺Montano :Othello, I am hurt to danger, Your officer, Iago, can inform you, actually, I don’t know what mistake I have made tonight.

  奥瑟罗Othello: I know, Cassio, I love you but you are not my officer any more. [To Desdemona,]

  Look, you scared my wife! I'll make you an example.

  苔丝狄蒙娜Desdemona: What's the matter?

  奥瑟罗Othello: All is well now. Let’s go back.


  伊阿古Iago :Are you hurt?

  卡西奥Cassio: Fame, fame, fame! O, I have lost my fame! My fame, Iago, my fame!

  伊阿古Iago : As I am an honest man, I think the fame is not important. And what’s more important is you can recover the general again.

  卡西奥Cassio: I really don’t know what I have done.

  Iago: You are drunk! Man. I'll tell you what you shall do. Our general's wife is now the real general, If you beg her, and let she says something to her husband, everything will be ok. Don’t you think so?

  卡西奥Cassio: That’s great. Desdemona,she is a kindhearted woman. Iago, thank you, you are my honest friend. Good night!

  伊阿古Iago :Who said that I am a bad man? What a good idea I give him. Yes, it’s the best way to win Othello again. Because he loves his wife so much that he can do anything she wants. But when he goes to Desdemona, I will say something to Othello, a man and a woman; it’s not a right relationship.
