


An Idyllic Land of Peach-Blossom Spring


Tao Yuanming from Jin Dynasty


  Amid the Taiyuan era of Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was a fisherman, a native of Wuling rowed his boat along a brook, not mindful of how far he had toured when suddenly he came across a blossoming peach grove flanking the banks continuously for hundreds of footsteps. The peach grove with no other sundry trees was permeated of sweet fragrance, fresh green grass, and falling and fallen blossoms. The fisherman with appealing surprise again rowed further, with a desire to explore how far it extended.


  When the grove faded away at the end of the brook, he found himself in front of a mountain with a small opening from which a light loomed. He thus left his boat and walked into the opening which at first was found to be so narrow that only one could pass through it. After walking forward for a few footsteps, he discovered it led to an open air where flat and wide was the land with well-arranged houses, rich fields, beautiful ponds, mulberries, bamboos and the like. He saw the paths intersecting the fields in all directions, and heard cocks crowing and dogs barking. Here, men and women passing back and forth or working in the fields dressed almost the same as people outside. The grizzled-haired and children with uncoiled hairs seemed happy and complacent.

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