


  People were so astonished to see this outsider, and asked him where he came from. After the fisherman answered all the questions, he was invited to their homes where they served wine and killed chicken to offer a feast. When the news of the fisherman’ visit spread out to other villagers, they all came to greet him. Then, they told the outsider that their ancestors, fleeing from the disorder and chaos during the Qin reign, had come with their wives and children to this idyllic land, and had never gone out since, leaving themselves secluded from outsiders. When they asked what dynasty it was at present, they had no idea of there having been dynasties such as Han, Wei and Jin. The outsider related all he knew in detail, event by event and they heaved frequent sighs and sorrows. The villages by turns invited him to their houses where he was entertained with wine and food. He stayed for a few days. When he decided to leave, people of this place implored him, “It is advisable not to reveal this place to others.”


  After he came out and got his boat, he retraced and marked the route where he had come. When he reached the town, he visited the prefect, and narrated the whole story to him who immediately sent his pawns to go with the fisherman to look for that place. They followed the trail markers but got lost and never found the way.

  南阳刘子骥,高尚士也,闻之,欣然规往,未果,寻病终。后遂无问津者。  At this news, Liu Ziji from Nanyang, a gentleman, gleefully decided to seek for this place, but he ailed and died before he could fulfill his plan. From then on, no one else ever quested for that land.

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