Unit 2 After school 教学反思范文(2)



  例如:Maths: Music, English, PE?

  park:home, school, market, snack bar?

  eat: drink, run, shout, swim, jump, skate?


  例如:play football: play?

  4. Free talk

  T: What do you have?

  S: I have?

  T: What do you like?

  S: I like? 出示课程表。

  T: This is our time table. What subjects do you have?

  S: We have?

  T: What subjects do you like?

  S: I like?I can?/ It’s interesting.

  Step Two: Presentation

  1. 教授单词:Monday

  教授句型:What day is it?


  T(指着课表):We have so many interesting subjects. Look, what day is it? 出示句型板书,并且教读:What day is it?

  Ss: It’s Monday.


  T:We can write this word by this way too.

  Learning tips:出示Monday缩写MON MON=Monday

  What lessons do you have?


  S: We/I have?

  T: Do you have??

  S: Yes, we/I do. No, we/I don’t.

  2. Story time

  (1)引出课题Unit 2 After school

  T: You know more about our timetable. Today, let’s continue to discuss it. Let’s learn unit 2.

  引出课题Unit 2 After school,并且板书以及教读。


  出示afternoon-after 在??之后

  after school 放学后

  (2)Watch and answer

  出示Liu Tao

  T: Look, this is our friend. Who’s he?

  S: He’s Liu Tao.

  T: What would Liu Tao like to do?

  S: He would like to play table tennis.

  T(出示问题):Good. What day is it today?

  Can Liu Tao play table tennis with his friends today?


  T:Let’s watch the cartoon together. And try to find the answers, please. 播放动画

  A: What day is it today?

  S: It’s Wednesday.


  Learning tip: Wednesday = ? (WED)

  A: Can Liu Tao play table tennis with his friends today?

  S: No, they can’t. T: They can play table tennis on .

  S: Saturday.


  cat, nurse, Monday

  T: Do you have any lessons on Saturday?

  S: No, we/I don’t.

  T: Yes. We don’t have any lessons on Saturday.

  (3)Read and match.

  自读课文,并且连线。 Mike have a swimming lesson

  a.教读单词match 比赛

  T: I can say: have a football match. What can you say?


  b.教读单词swimming 游泳 名词

  swim 游泳 动词

  c.变成句子,把have 变成has

  T:So we can see:Mike has a football match on Wednesday.


  Learning tip:第三人称单数后使用动词的第三人称单数形式。

  Su Hai has a swimming lesson on Wednesday.

  Su Yang has a swimming lesson on Wednesday too.

  T: So Su Hai and Su Yang(两个人,复数)have a swimming lesson on Wednesday. Step Three: Consolidation

  1. Read after the tape


  T:Now let’s try to read after the tape.



  2.T:Now, show your beautiful voice to your partners .You can read in roles read after one read together and so on?Let’s go!

  Let’s act

  T: Please stop reading. It’s show time now. Let’s dub for the cartoon. Who want to be?Let’s begin.

  两组分角色 全班分角色

  3. Retell

  a. Fill in the blanks.

  It’s Wednesday today. Liu Tao would like to play table tennis. But Mike has a football match. Su Hai and Su Yang have a swimming lesson. They don’t have any lessons on Saturday. So(所以)they will go and play table tennis on Saturday.

  b. Read it together.

  Step Four: Do the exercise. Monday-MON Saturday- SAT Wednesday -WED


  Let’s go and play the table tennis.

  I have a football match at Wednesday.

  I have a swim lesson today.

  He has a beautiful book.

  We don’t have some lessons on Saturday. 看图说句子。

  He has? She has?

  Step Five: Homework

  a. Copy the phrases: after school, go and play table tennis, what day have a football match ?


  1.放学后我去打篮球。 2.她有许多的好书。

  3.我们在星期六没有课。 ?

  c. Recite Story time.


  Unit 2 After school

  What day is it today? Wednesday Saturday


  I have? a football match

  He/She has? a swimming lesson

  What a pity!

  Unit 2 After school第二课时

  (The second period)


  Fun time and song time


  1.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

  2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Monday, Wednesday, Saturday;

  3.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:I have?;He/She has?;What day is it today?及回答It’s?;

  4.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:What lessons do you have?以及回答I have?

  5.初步会唱歌曲:Days of the week.


  1.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

  2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Monday, Wednesday, Saturday;

  3.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:I have?;He/She has?;What day is it today?及回答It’s?;

  4.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:What lessons do you have?以及回答I have?





  Step One: Warming up


  T: Good morning, class

  Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu

  2. Say rhymes and read Story time

  (1)Let’s learn


  5A Unit7 After school 的教学反思  郭巷中心小学 顾青青

  本课教学内容是牛津小学英语5A Unit 7 After school第二课时,语篇教学的内容。这是我第一次执教高年级语篇,初拿到教材时觉得有些茫然,重难点都无法确定、如何突破更是无从谈起。在教参的帮助下,我仔细研读教材,将整节课的教学目标确定为三方面:1.学生能够在老师的帮助下,充分理解语篇2.通过对语篇的学习,能充分理解并恰当运用after school/classes are over, look for/find, perhaps, I’ll go and join them等3.培养学生乐于助人的好品质。

  根据以上思考,我这样安排了自己的教学流程:1、通过游戏Listen and do,分层复习动词词组--一般现在时动词ing形式--动词ing形式的一般疑问句,这个环节趣味性较强,考虑到了基础薄弱学生的学习能力,较扎实 ;并且从Is he/she doing…? Are they doing…?适当渗透本课内容Perhaps/I think…,学生在游戏中理解新知、并能自然运用2.由游戏自然导入本课主题after school,通过解释classes are over,恰当拓展到after lunch/class等 3.Help me环节,引出be looking for/find对比学习,并真实邀请学生帮帮我,教育孩子要乐于助人;课堂上I’ll go and join him/her的声音不断4.语篇分段处理,书本上了已有的情境真实自然有效,我充分利用了这三个情境,分别通过听读回答问题、观看卡通完成T/F问题、小组内合作阅读回答问题三个不同的学习策略,指导学生学习;同时,利用问题紧密连接整个语篇5.小记者采访拓展整节课简洁明了,环节连接紧密,重难点突出,学生学习得比较愉快。但仍存在较多不足之处:

  1. 要以学生为主体,留以思考、交流的空间。游戏环节,环环相扣,学生复习得扎实到位,但学生仍处于被动思维,最后能给予学生一个自己发挥的机会,学生能回忆出更多的词汇,能表达地更好。导入课题after school/classes are over,通过课题的学习,学生一定也会有一些其他的想法,老师不应该直接出示

after lunch/lunch is over等等,若先给学生一个词如after lunch,学生一定能够猜到它的意思,甚至还可能会想到其他词汇。

  2. 情境创设要真实、完整。寻找溜溜球的情境真实有趣,学生的积极性非常高。在此环节中,我教授了look for/find并对比了它们的不同;通过who can help me?环节学习help的用法及I’ll go and join…学生们一个个踊跃帮忙。老师如果能够利用口头表达或者PPT上设计一个卡通人物来帮助学生缩小寻找的范围,并且最终学生能够找到目标,给学生以一定的成功体验,有助于树立学生学习的兴趣和学习信心。好的情境一定要完整真实,不能为了创设而创设,用完了就不管了,不能虎头蛇尾,要做到有始有终,这一点在教学时应注意。
