













  第一课时:Introduction,Grammar 1,Cultural Corner

  第二课时:Reading and Vocabulary

  第三课时:Listening and Vocabulary,Pronunciation,Grammar 2

  第四课时:Speaking and Reading,Function,Everyday English,Writing

  第五课时:Task,Module File


  Period 1 Introduction.Grammar 1,Cultural Corner

  Teaching Goals:

  1.To arouse Ss’interest in learning about the Internet and computer.

  2.To introduce the topic“The Internet and Telecommunications”.

  3.To get Ss to learn some words to describe computer.

  4.To get Ss to know something about the mobile phone.

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1.Introduction

  Purpose:To arouse Ss’interest in learning about the Internet and computer.


  (1)Show some pictures on the screen and ask Ss to say what parts of the computer they are.

  (2)Ask Ss to match the items with their definitions in Activity 2 on PSI.

  Suggested Answers:

  ①c ②e ③b ④d ⑤f ⑥a

  (3)Ask Ss to discuss the following question:What do you use computer for?

  2.Word study

  (1)Ask Ss what they will do if they want to surf the Internet to download a song.f Write the following phrases in order to help Ss to say the steps out.You can also remind Ss to use the words and expressions of sequence.)

  turn on........................——


  click on.............................——

  ........................——the song

  ...............................——it in the hard disk

  For your reference:

  First,we turn on the PC(with a modem).Then,type a key word.Next,click on the website.After that,download the song.Lastly,store it in the hard disk.

  (2)Introduce some new words to them by filling in the blanks.

  ①——the Internet

  ②——information from websites

  ③——:a breakdown


  ⑤——:Microsoft Office,Windows XP

  Suggested Answers:

  ①log on/off ②access ③crash ④hardware ⑤software

  (3)Ask Ss to finish Activity 3 on PSl.

  Suggested Answers:

  ①surf ②crash ③store

  ④A log is a piece of a cut down tree:

  To logon means to start work on a computer.

  ⑤Hardware is the tangible pieces of equipment;

  Software is the programs one uses on the computer.

  Step 2.Grammar 1

  Purpose:To enable Ss to learn the formation of compound words and deduce the meanings of the words.


  (1)Show the following words on the screen and let Ss discuss the characteristics of these words.



  ③mobile phone,computer system,search engine,post office

  For your reference:

  T.hey are all formed by two words,but in different ways.The two words are joined together in different ways,some have…-’in between,some haven’t and some only put two words together.All these words belong to compound words.

  (2)Introduce how to guess the meanings of compound words.

  E.g. ①Sunset means the time when the sun goes down and night begins.

  ②Sunrise means the time when the sun first appears in the sky in the morning.

  (3)Give more compound words and let Ss know how to guess the meanings of them.

  ①handball handbook daydreaming businessman

  shorthand pickpocket roommate waterfall

  ②sleeping pills coffee cup computer study reading room 。

  mobile Phone student union apple juice shopping list 。

  ③good—looking easy-going hard-working well-known

  kind—hearted self-satisfied sun—bathing get—together

  Suggested Answers:

  ①手球 手册 白日梦 商人 速写 扒手 舍友 瀑布

  ②咖啡杯 电脑学习 阅览室 移动电话 学生会 苹果酱 购物单

  ③漂亮的 随和的 努力工作的著名的 仁慈的 自满的 日光浴的 联欢会


  Ask Ss to finish Activity 2 on P54.

  Suggested Answers:

  hardware,hardboard,hard disk

  keyboard,key word




  Step 3.Cultural Corner

  Purpose:To deal with some information about the text message and emoticons.


  Arouse Ss’ interest to the passage by showing a text message.Let Ss discuss the meaning of the text message

  2.Individual work

  Ask Ss to read the passage and tell the meaning of the text message above

  Suggested Answer:

  I’m waiting for you as long as possible.(smile)

  3.Pair work

  Read the passage again and write down what the text messages in the passage mean

  Suggested Answers:

  (1)Where have you been? I’ve been waiting hours for a call.

  (2)Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?

  (3)I got a text message from my friend.She’s having a party on Saturday.Do you want to come?


  Ask Ss to work in Pairs to write two or three text messages.Each of them should consist of the symbols in the passage.After several minutes,ask some of them to show their text messages-

  Step 4.Homework

  1.Finish the Grammar Activities in the Workbook on P97.

  2.Preview Reading and Vocabulary in this module.

  Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary

  Teaching Goals:

  1.To let Ss master how to read a passage.

  2.To let Ss master some words and phrases.

  3.To get Ss to talk something about the Internet.

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1.Leading-in

  Purpose:To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about the Internet and make preparations for the reading.

  Speak to Ss like this:The Internet is playing a more and more important role in our daily life.It changes our life greatly.We use the Internet to get what we need and enjoy ourselves.

  Step 2.Reading

  Purpose:To improve Ss’ reading skills.


  Read and answer the following questions.

  (1)What is the Internet?

  (2)How did the Internet start?

  (3)What is the World Wide Web?

  (4)Who invented the World Wide Web?

  Suggested Answers:

  (1)It is the biggest source of information in the world,and it’s accessible through a computer.

  (2)In 1969,DARPA created a network of computers called DARPANET.then in 1984.NSF started the NSFNET network,that is “Internet”.

  (3)It’s a computer network that allows users to access information via the Internet.

  (4)Tim Burners—Lee.


  (1)Read the passage again.Decide if the sentences are true or false in Acticity 3 on P53.

  Suggested Answers:

  ①T ②T ③F ④T ⑤T ⑥F

  (2) Read the passage again and decide which sentence means the same as the extracts from the reading passage in Activity 4 on P53.

  Suggested Answers:

  ①b ②a ③b ④a


  Ask Ss to listen to the tape and fill in the missing words.

  The Internet is the biggest ① of information in the world,and it’s ②through a computer.It consists of millions of pages of data.

  In 1969,DARPA,a US defense organization, ③ a way for all their computers to “talk” to each other through the telephone.They ④ a network of computers called DARPANET.For fifteen years,only the US army could use this system of ⑤.Then in 1984,the US National Science Foundation(NSF)started the NSFNET network.It then ⑥ as well.NSFNET became known as the Inter.Network.or “Internet”.

  The World Wide Web(the web)is a computer network that allows computer users to ⑦ information from millions of websites via the Internet. At the moment,about 80 percent of web traffic is in English.but this percentage is ⑧.By 2020,much web traffic could be in Chinese.

  The World Wide Web was invented in 1991 by an English scientist,Tim Berners.Lee.Berners.Lee built his first computer while he was at university using an old television! He ⑨the idea of the world Wide Web in 1989 while he was working in Switzerland.

  Berners—Lee ⑩ ,not just universities and the army.He designed the first “web browser”.which allowed computer users to (11)documents from other computers.From that moment on.the web and the Internet grew.Within five years,the number of Internet users (12) from 600,000 to 40 million.

  The Internet has (13)thousands of millionaires,but Berners.Lee is not one of them.Everyone in the world can (14)the Internet using his World Wide Web system.He now works as a (15) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston.

  Suggested Answers:

  ①source ②accessible ③developed ④created ⑤communication

  ⑥became possible for universities to use the system ⑦access ⑧going down

  ⑨came up with ⑩made it possible for everyone to use the Internet ⑩access

  ⑥rose ⑩created ⑩access ⑩lecturer

  Step 3.Homework

  1.Finish the Reading exercises in the Workbook on P99~100.

  2.Ask Ss to preview Listening and Vocabulary and Grammar 2.

  Period 3 Listening and Vocabulary,Pronunciation,Grammar 2

  Teaching Goals:

  1.To enable Ss to know some skills of listening.

  2.To study some daily expressions.

  3.To learn how to stress the important information.

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1.Revision

  Check the answers to the Reading exercises in the Workbook.

  Step 2.Vocabulary study

  Purpose:To get Ss to know some new words.

  Ask Ss to use some of the words in the box to fill in the blanks of the following passage.

  concentrate definite enjoy fantastic

  independent favorite useful reason

  make sure studio terrible

  Now we will listen to a TV interview.Three people are invited to a ①.They are talking about the Internet.As we know,there are both good things and bad things about the Internet because there are both ② websites and ③ websites.Anyway,the interviewees ④ on the good things.After the listening,you will

  be asked to do some ⑤ work.

  Suggested Answers:

  ①studio ②fantastic ③terrible ④concentrate ⑤independent

  Step 3.Listening


  ●To get the main information in the listening part.

  ●To develop Ss’ listening ability.


  Ask Ss to guess what’s their attitude towards the Internet.


  (1)Listen to the interview and finish Activity 2 on P54.

  Suggested Answers:

  ①e ②b ③b

  (2)Listen to the tape and fill in the missing words.

  Interviewer:Hello and welcome to Education Today.Today,we’re talking about the internet.Is the Internet a good thing for education? With me in the ① are Ann Baker,who’s a teacher,Tom Grant,who’s 17 and still at sch001.and Tom’s mother Pat.Welcome to the show,everyone.If I can talk to you first,Ann,do you think that the Internet is a good thing or a bad thing?

  Ann:Well,there ale good and bad things about the Internet,but I think we should② the good things.The Internet has ③ information about all kinds of things,and—④一I think it’s very good for students to use it.

  Interviewer:Do you allow your students to use the Internet during school time?

  Ann:Absolutely!’ They have Internet classes once a week.It’s a ⑤ for them to do some ⑥ work.I make sure they have a reason to use the Internet.

  Interviewer:What do you think are the bad things about using the Internet?

  Ann:Well,we all know that there are some ⑦ sites on the Internet.We must ⑧that students look for information on interesting and useful sites.

  Interviewer:I see.Thank you. Well,I also have Pat and Tom Grant with me.Tom.how often do you use the Internet?

  Tom: ⑨.

  Interviewer: At school or at home?

  Tom:At school and at home.

  Interviewer:How much time do you spend on the Internet at home?

  Tom:As much time as I can.About five hours.

  Interviewer:Five hours a week?

  Tom:No! Five hours a day!

  Interviewer:And what do you do on the Interact? Do you study?

  Tom:Yes.It’s good to study on the Internet.

  Interviewer:Is it better than studying at school?

  Tom:Well,they’re different.I like studying at school as well.

  Interviewer:Pat,what do you think about that?

  Pat:Well,I,m happy when Tom is studying on the Internet。but he doesn’t always study.

  Interviewer: ⑩?

  Pat:Well,there aye a lot of music sites that he likes.And he spends a lot of time reading about his favourite football team.

  Interviewer:So you would prefer it if he didn’t do that.

  Pat:No. I want him to study and enjoy himself.But studying is important.And studying(11)is important.

  Interviewer: More important that studying on the Internet?

  Pat:Studying is the important thing.

  Suggested Answers:

  ①studio ②concentrate on ③fantastic ④for this reason ⑤chance ⑥independent ⑦terrible ⑧make sure ⑨Every day ⑩what do you mean ⑩from books


  Work in pairs and discuss the questions in Activity 3 on P54.

  Step 4.Pronunciation———stressing important information

  Purpose:To enable Ss to know how to stress important information.

  1.Pair work

  Look at the extract from the interview in Activity 1 on P55.Underline the words that you think are important and should be stressed.

  2.Individual work

  (1)Listen to the dialogue and check the answers.

  Suggested Answers:

  Interviewer:How often do you the Internet?

  Tom:Every day.

  Interviewer:At school or at home.

  Tom: At school and at home?

  Interviewer:How much time do you spend on the Internet at home?

  Tom:As much time as I can.About five hours.

  Interviewer:Five hours a week?

  Tom:No! Five hours a day!

  (2)Ask Ss to practice the dialogue and pay attention to the intonation.

  Step 5.Grammar 2

  1.Individual work

  Ask Ss to use the proper article to fill in the blanks.

  (1)——boy is waiting for you out of the school gate.

  (2)There is——famous university in this small city.

  (3)Everyone has——mouth,——nose,two eyes and two ears.

  (4)There is only——little milk in the bottle.

  (5)Please show me——photo of the boy.

  (6)Which is——biggest,——sun,——earth,or——moon?

  (7)I get up at about 6 0’clock in——morning.

  (8)He can play——piano.

  (9)In my hometown,it is not cold in——winter.

  (10)I have never been to——Japan.

  Suggested Answers:

  (1)A (2)a (3)a,a (4)a (5)the (6)the,the,the,the (7)the

  (8)the (9)/ (10)/

  2.Group work

  Check the answers by explaining some usages of the article.

  (1)The usage of the indefinite article:

  ①泛指一类人或事物:A horse is a useful animal.

  ②第一次提到:Give me a post-card and some stamps.

  ③用于某些固定词组:a few,a bit,a lot of,in a hurry,at a time,many a,a great many,etc

  ④用于一些习语中:as a rule(通常),as a matter as fact(事实上),at a disadvantage(处于不利地位),to be a credit to one’s family,school,etc(为家庭、学校等争光)

  (2)The usage of the definite article:


  E.g.(a)The students in this school are in blue.
