


  1. 直观教学法。


  2. 任务型语言教学法










  Step 1 Review(复习)

  Ask : How do you usually come to school? Do you often play basketball in the afternoon.?etc. On the Bb,write down:

  I usually ride a bike to school.

  I often play basketball in the afternoon.

  I swim twice a week.


  Step 2 Presentation (呈现)

  Repeat the questions in step 1,and ask: Where do you often play basketball? And where do you usually swim? Help the Ss answer and write down: on the playground, in the swimming pool. Present the other new words in 3 of Page 10 in the same way. Then show a big picture about 3 on the Bb, ask" What’s this?/what is it? "to finish 3.

  依据:《课标》中有"教师要善于结合实际教学需要,对教材进行适当的调整。"这里首先处理3,是因为Step 1中的活动都是离不开活动场所的,在谈论这些活动时顺势呈现出活动场所,既承上又启下,为后几步教学"埋下了伏笔".

  Step 3 Presentation (呈现)

  Repeat Sentence 2 in Step 1 "I often play basketball in the afternoon." in the same time present and write down the following with gestures: "Now I am playing basketball." (write "am" "ing"with red chalk) Present "I am riding a bike. I am swimming."in the same way. And then ask an excellent student to explain the use of "be + v-ing". At last, present:

  —what are you doing?—I am playing basketball/riding a bike/swimming.

  —Are you riding a bike? —Yes, I am./No, I’m not. I’m…目的:利用语言直观生动地呈现出现在进行时态,同时充分利用集体教育资源,利用个别学生去影响集体,这往往比教师直接解释传授效果要更好。

  Step 4 Drill(操练)

  Work in pairs. A: What are you doing? B: I’m riding a bike/playing basketball/swimming. A: Are you swimming? B: Yes, I am./No, I’m not. I’m… (while doing actions)目的:让学生乐中学,学中乐。训练学生对现在进行时态的感性认识,培养学生的初步语感,培养学生积极参与、合作的能力。

  Step 5 Listening and practice(听与练)

  Page 9 1a Show a picture and play the tape for the Ss to find the answer Qs: What is the girl doing? What is the boy doing? Then practise the conversation in pairs. Ask several pairs to act it out.

  目的:学以致用,使学生在具体的语境中使用主语是I 和you的现在进行时态。

  Step 6 Presentation (呈现)

  A student do an action, ask him/her: What are you doing? Then ask the others: What is he/she doing? Ask two Ss or more do the same action, ask: What are A and B doing?( present : dance, sleep, clean, )目的:进一步认识现在进行时态,尤其是让学生自己感悟主语是复数和三单时be的变化,以及学习一些行为动词生词。

  Step 7 Listening and practice(听与练)

  Page 9 2a Books closed! Show a picture and play the tape for the Ss to find the answer Qs: What is Maria/Kangkang doing? What are Wang Lin and Li Mei/Wang Wei and Lin Tao doing? Then books open, practise the conversation in pairs. And finish 2b alone.


  Step 8 Consolidation(巩固)

  Page 10 4 Books closed! Show a picture, point to the girl and ask: Where is she? Is she singing? What is she doing? All the Ss answer and write down the conversation. Then the Ss work in pairs to make similar conversations about the other persons. Then write down their conversations.


  Step 9 Summary(小结)

  Ask: What do we learn in this class?

  现在进行时态: be+v-ing


  Pay attention to the form of v-ing


  Step10 Homework(作业)

  Ask the Ss to write down the conversations in 4 in their exercisebooks.

  目的:课外巩固现在进行时态的用法。  六、说板书


上一篇:小学英语册Unit 4 《My Home》第一课时教学课件下一篇:小学6年级语文教学课件