



  When I was about 13, I had an enemy. She was a girl? _____ liked to point out my shortcomings ( 缺 点 ). Sometimes she said I was lazy. Sometimes she said I wasn’t a good student. Sometimes she said I? ____? too much. At last, I became very angry. I ran to my father.

  My father listened to me? ___ , and then he asked, “Are the things she said true or not? Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true. Then pay no attention to ____? things she said.”

  I returned to my room and did? ____ my father told me. To my? ____? , I found that about half the things were true. I brought the list back to my father. He ____? to take the list. “That’s just for you,” he said. “When something said about you is true, you’ll find it will be??? ____? to you. Listen to them all,? ____? hear the truth from your own deep heart and do what you think is right.

  Many years have passed. The situation often appears in my mind. In our life, we often meet with some trouble and we often go to someone for?? ___? which we will treasure all life!

  1.A. whatB. whoC. whichD. whom

  2.A. talkB. was talkingC. talkedD. talks

  3.A. quietlyB. quicklyC. excitedlyD. happily

  4.A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. any

  5.A. likeB. asC. likesD. according to

  6.A. reliefB. sadnessC. surpriseD. happiness

  7.A. agreedB. likedC. wantedD. refused

  8.A. uselessB. helpfulC. terribleD. harmful

  9.A. butB. andC. soD. or

  10.A. advicesB. messagesC. suggestionsD. help

  Each year, a huge number of Chinese middle school students go to study in foreign countries such as the US, the UK, Australia and Japan.

  “Chinese children hope very much to go ____ to get a wider view of the world,” said Chen Yi, a Chinese writer who has lived in America for 16 years. In a talk Chen told more than 300 parents and their children thought that life in foreign countries can be ____for young people.” They have to deal with a cultural shock and language? ____??? .

  However, these are not the most difficult? things. To most children looking after themselves when studying alone in a foreign country is a big? _____? .

  Zhang Jia, a 16-year-old student, began to study in a high school in Sydney, Australia last October. To his amazement, his teachers there ____ pushed students to study. And usually there wasn’t homework. “With these education systems, we have more? ____time and more space for thinking,”said Zhang. “But? if you don’t? know how to____your time and money to good use, you will not have an easy time,” Some of his friends spent their whole year’s money in the first two months of the term, and they? _____ their exams.

  “Studying abroad at a young age can help students learn a foreign language____and open up their eyes, but students and parents should know about the challenges,”Chen said.“If you want to study abroad, try to talk to someone with? ______ in foreign countries. Make sure that you are ready for it.”

  1.A. abroadB. foreignC. homeD. school

  2.A. easyB. happyC. sadD. hard

  3.A. advantagesB. problemsC. abilitiesD. questions

  4.A. challengeB. thoughtC. differenceD. change

  5.A. everB. alwaysC. justD. never

  6.A. safeB. busyC. boringD. spare

  7.A. takeB. putC. planD. have

  8.A. passedB. createdC. acceptedD. failed

  9.A. carefullyB. quicklyC. happilyD. exactly

  10.A. confidenceB. knowledgeC. informationD. experience




  How much do you know about Chicago in the United States? You might think it’s a big city. And it is! Chicago is actually the third most populous (人口众多的)? city in the US, right after New York City and Los Angeles.

  “The Windy City” is Chicago’s most famous nickname. It is for good reason. The city lies right next to Lake Michigan and heavy winds blow through the city.

  Chicago is very well known for its art and culture. The Art Institute of Chicago is the No.1 place to visit in the city. It is not only a school, but also a world-class art museum.

  If you don’t feel like visiting a museum, your best choice is to visit Millennium Park. This park holds the famous Cloud Gate which looks like a big shining bean. Many people enjoy taking photos there.

  Chicago has lots of fun things to do. If you enjoy heights, go visit the famous Willis Tower! You can go up to the top of it and step out onto a glass box. You’ll be standing over the city, but don’t worry ---- it’s completely safe. Doesn’t Chicago sound like a fun city?

  1.Chicago has the largest population in the US.

  2.Chicago is famous for its heavy winds and rain.

  3.The Art Institute of Chicago is both a school and a museum.

  4.Millennium Park looks like a big shining bean.

  5.You can be standing over Chicago on top of Willis Tower.


  One day at work, my American coworker and I decided to go out to lunch together. We saw one restaurant that sold specialty dishes from Xi’an.

  We decided to try it out. My coworker said, “Maybe we can have some ‘Roger Moore’ (a famous British actor)!” I felt confused, so I asked her what she meant. She explained that she was talking about roujiamo (肉夹馍),? which sounds like the name “Roger Moore”. It’s a type of Chinese snack that comes from Shaanxi province.

  My first thought was that the roujiamo was very similar to an American hamburger. The pieces of flatbread were like hamburger buns, with meat in the middle.

  Our roujiamo were made fresh, so the bread was still warm. It was soft and fluffy (松软 的) when I bit into it. The meat inside was salty and tender (嫩的). It was quite delicious.

  Roujiamo is popular in other countries, too. In the United States, a businessman named? Jason Wang opened more than 10 chain restaurants called “Xi’an Famous Foods”. Roujiamo is one of their most popular dishes. The restaurants attract about 140,000 customers every year, according to Forbes magazines.

  1.The author first thought that roujiamo was_______ .

  A. a kind of American foodB. created by the British actor Roger Moore

  C. like the American hamburgerD. a Chinese snack from Shaanxi province

  2.Which is NOT true about roujiamo’s flavor?

  A. Soft.B. Sweet.C. Salty.D. Fluffy.

  3.According to Forbes magazines,? _________ .
